Shared from 🤍🐶 “There are many methodologies, ideologies & techniques when it comes to training your dog. For owners, it can be an exceptionally confusing experience to navigate. However the ONE aspect which should never falter while training your dog is COMMUNICATION.
E Collar training should be looked at as the “icing on the cake” of a great foundation you have created with your dog. An electronic collar does NOT solve your behavioral issues or provide a magic wand type of experience. The truth is an E Collar provides no context or direction, it only enhances it. An owner must use this tool in conjunction with this in mind.
Clear communication- E Collars allow communication with dogs through a language they already know and understand, touch. E Collars are muscle stimulators. They “grab” the muscle & pulsate them. Think of it as tapping someone on the shoulder or even grabbing them by the arm.
Reliability- E Collars create non negotiable boundaries you are able to enforce in a non confrontational & neutral way.
Off Leash Freedom- E collars allow for communication with dogs at a distance. Many collars have a range of 1/2 mile! You can feel confident in letting your dog off leash after training.
Relationship- Clear communication improves any relationship. E Collars can bridge the gap between human & dog.”