I wanted my horses to live like horses in a relaxed environment while still enjoying the comforts that they were accustomed to. All the horses are weighed on a regular basis and fed according to their requirements with oathay, lucerne, teff and whichever concentrate suits them best. horses were designed to eat roughage and lots of it. if there isn't food left in the morning it means they need more
. we weigh all their food so we can monitor how many kilo's they are eating. All our horses live in camps with grazing, either in mixed herds or single gender herds depending on who they are. With us, the horse's wellbeing comes first. They need to be well conditioned physically and mentally. We have managed to secure the best professionals to work at our yard, Kevin Dodd, the Baker McVeigh team, Jonathan Perkin, Shannon Petitaund, Julie Lustgarten and Jj. My passion is nutrition and many hours are spent working on the best possible feed for every horse. i believe that horses should spend as much time as possible outside regardless of the weather and that routine is king. we have a variety of clients from youngsters to retired horses and everyone in between. Listening to the blue cranes and fish eagles while watching the various herds interact makes my dream a reality.