One day I was told by a customer that grooming is easy and not a real job. Think about this.
Grooming is a craft. It takes many hundreds of hours of training to just start our grooming path. It takes continual education to grow our talent. It takes sweat, blood and tears.
It causes pain. It breaks hearts. Your groomer has cut herself more than she’ll admit. She has pulled inch long hairs from her eyes. Blown hair out of nose. Pulled hair splinters from her skin, basically everywhere on her body.
She has cried over the condition of her 4 legged customers. She has cried with an owner at the unexpected loss of a pet. She has cried and comforted owners as they struggle with the decision to put their pet down.
If she has been unfortunate to cause an injury she has beaten herself up over it for longer than you’ll ever realise. She faces being bit and attacked on a daily basis.
She will have her hands on your dog more than your vet in a year. She knows every bump and lump on every one of her customers. She can spot something wrong with your animal lots of times before you do.
She goes home some days physically, mentally and spiritually drained and broken from a day’s work yet comes back day in and day out. She spends thousands on equipment and that equipment’s up keep.
A groomer puts in a lot of physical and emotional energy every day. Our job is often difficult, it tests our patience and our body is dirty and humbling and it is a subjective industry so our skills and talent is constantly being judged.
Customer generosity in the form of gratuity never goes unappreciated and a returning client is the heart of our job security.
But what about the power of a verbal compliment?
They like how the haircut looks, or they love to watch you interact with the pet or they are just grateful of you, is more valuable than we can express. We are thankful for all customers who give us feedback and tell us when they’re happy (or not happy) with what we are doing.
This bring us to the point to please chat to us if you feel dissatisfied with ANY aspect of our service delivery! You and your precious pet(s) happiness and satisfaction are extremely valuable to us….
This is not a job for the weak. This is not a job for the lazy. This job is love and dedication and very specialised craft. It’s far from easy.