These guys are full of activity in the day but very stagnant at night just like most non nocturnal fish
Fish/crustacean of the week NEACARADINA RED RILI SHRIMP
these guys enjoy a slightly acidic water body with a ph of 6.5 to 7.2 but can survive in a ph of 7.3 to 7.6. They prefer stable water parameters even though they live in a range of parameters
They eat bio film and algae as well as left over food from your fish
these guys come in an array of different colors and the females shave a saddle to carry the eggs are laying for further protection
they are found in regions of Southeast Asia and were introduced to other parts of the world by the pet trade.
New fish
We got tiger barbs
Grate . New to our collection
Finally almost done with this pond just needs plants and to be cycled before we put in fish 🐠
Fish of the week SWORDTAILS
this is the colorful swordtail and as the name suggest the males have a long extension on their tales that looks like a sword and plays a very vital role in their reproduction because the males with the longest swords get to breed with more females and keeps the next generation healthy .
They are livebearers this means that they give birth rather than laying eggs.
the males have the long extension (the sword ) on their tail fin and are slightly aggressive if there is a shortage of females even nipping other male’s swords till they cut in two .
the females don’t have the long extension on their tails . They can cause each other around but nothing more than that .
They are originally from Mexico .wild ones have a slight green colouration and are very aggressive as compared to the domestic ones .