I haven’t said anything about sister Yarraka Bayles and 9 year old Quadens situation because I have been dealing with sorry business.
And so are they actually!!!
Well today I’m weighing in, I’m here to share love for this beautiful family ♥️ and give them strength! Because I do know what they endure every single day. I know this because I too have an Aboriginal daughter with special needs, I know that feeling of anger when you get stares, I know the feeling of disparity when adults attack our baby because they are ignorant and yes racist !! I want to share this one story with you !!
Just like over Christmas I travelled to Rockhampton, we stopped for a break and fuel and my daughter ran up to an old lady to simply connect with her they looked at us saw we are black and started hurling racist abuse at us, a grown adult man (a big muscled man) started yelling at my daughter!! last words this man said was why are there black people everywhere !! Luckily this all finished before my son Jordan came out from the bathroom. Again like Yarraka said we don’t show these events we show the high lights for families and friends. But just to show a comparison and that this is all because of racist mindsets. We were at the pool and Nissa tried to connect with a baby a Aboriginal Dad was holding near the water, Nissa almost made the baby fall into the pool. The Dad was angry but as soon as I said she had special needs. Instantly and I mean instantly he changed. He showed empathy he actually calmed me down Because I was upset and he said to Nissa it’s really ok little sis you can play with him. Wow what a contrast in response right !!!
I actually 3 main points here
1 Racism
2 Dealing with different disabilities
3 Us mothers of these children being attacked and targeted!!!
Get with it Australia this didn’t happen when Dolly was bullied you all supported her without any doubt or judgements !!
We love you Sister Yarraka and Quaden.
You deserve to go to Disney land and so much More ! Ps chuck me and Nissa in the suitcase with yas 😂😂 stay strong and deadly 🖤⭐️♥️ from myself Nissa and family 💓💓💓
Pictured is the man in the car who attacked Conissa