Off leash still has rules, boundaries and limitations. It’s not a free for all. Sticking close, checking in and recall all comes from a solid relationship and clear rules. The beauty of these rules is that my dogs still get the joy of exploring and being off leash.
#dogpsychology #calmconfidence #calmsurrender #offleashexploring #freedom #rulesboundarieslimitations
Can you control excitement in an exciting environment?
Snow brings a lot of excitement. There’s nothing wrong with excitement as long as you control it. That means being able to turn it on and off. Out of control excitement leads to trouble.
#betheirleader #calmconfidence #loveandjoy #dogtraining #dogpsychology #winterdogs #funinthesnow #followandexplore
One of the many great lessons dogs teach us is to slow down and be present. I wish I could say all my walks were like this. I do what I can to be full present with my dogs when I’m out walking them. It helps strengthen our bond.
#naturewalk #bepresent #inthemoment #calmdogs #winterwalk #slowdown #breathe
Walking Your Dog
Monday Motivation, do you know how important it is to walk your dog?
Other than draining physical energy, the walk helps strengthen your bond with your dog. In human terms it’s like going on a date 🙂
Dogs have an instinctual need to move and migrate as a pack. We fulfill this need through a structured walk.
If you need help or want insight on walking your dog(s) shoot me a message. Happy walking everyone!