Dog Coach Cyprus

Dog Coach Cyprus Dog Coach training school is a fun, sporty indoor dog area to play, socialize and learn with your do We offer training for puppies and adult dogs.

Our method is Force Free concept that focuses on the dog and owner interacting as a team. It balances the principles of canine behavior with stress management and positive based training principles. Our training classes help develop communication and deepen your enjoyment of your dog. They are specially designed to encourage dogs to build confidence and success as they master new behaviors in a si

mple, step-by-step process. Our services are:
> Group classes for adult dogs
> Group classes for puppies
> 1-2-1 private lessons
> House visits
> Scent Detection for pet dogs
> We specialize in fear reactive and timid dogs



ΚΥΠΡΟΣ 2024. πριν μερικές βδομάδες με ειδοποίσε ένας φίλος από το εξωτερικό ο οποίος είναι τυφλός και έχει σκύλο οδηγό ό...

ΚΥΠΡΟΣ 2024. πριν μερικές βδομάδες με ειδοποίσε ένας φίλος από το εξωτερικό ο οποίος είναι τυφλός και έχει σκύλο οδηγό ότι θα έρθει μερικές μέρες Κύπρο και μου ζήτσε βοήθεια για ξενοδοχείο γιατί δεν τον δέχονταν με τον σκύλο ΟΔΗΓΟ!
Με την βοήθεια πολλών ατόμων στο facebook βρήκαμε ένα ξενοδοχείο στην Λάρνακα με το οποίο επικοινώνησε και έκλεισε όλο χαρά.
Όμως 3 βδομάδες μετά το ξενοδοχείο του ακύρωσε την κράτηση γιατί ο σκύλος είναι πάνω από 10κιλά!!
Χάρη στην Μαργαρίτα που μας βοήθησε το ξενοδοχείο Φλαμίνγκο στην Λάρνακα τους δέχτηκε χωρίς κανένα πρόβλημα και τους ευχαρστώ δημόσια


Αυτό γίνεται μόνο στην Κυπρο. Λυπάμαι πολύ


A wagging tale doesnt always mean a happy dog. Great video for body language

If you want to become a professional dog trainer this is your course. Book now . New classes in January 2023

If you want to become a professional dog trainer this is your course. Book now . New classes in January 2023

We are happy to announce the dates for a new class to become a professional dog trainer.
11-15 JANUARY 2023
Registration is open so book quickly
Contact us for more information if you are interested

Expectations for raising a canine vs human!

Expectations for raising a canine vs human!

In this photo you see two species, a human and a dog. The human has approximately 1 billion neurons in their brain while the canine has appoximately 500 million.

This is a comparison of the two species and the expectations people place on dogs:

1) Human - Given two plus years to accomplish potty training.
1) Canine - Human wants canine potty trainined in two weeks or they will have to rehome the dog....Please take the diaper off your eight month old human and let them crawl around your floor, lets just see the results....

2) Human - Gives human babies pain relievers and various numbing agents to help appease the pain of teething.
2) Canine - Demands Dog Trainer tells them how to reprimand their dog for chewing.

3) Human - Encourages young humans to run and play with endless forms of mental and physical stimulation.
3) Canine - “I have got to teach this dog to calm down!!!”

4) Human - Given 20 plus years to complete an education and become a productive member of society.
4) Canine - Expected to behave flawlessly after 6 weeks of training.

5) Human - Given sick and personal days from work and endless excuses for poor performance.
5) Canine - Expects to perfom perfectly 365 days a year with no questions asked. Canines are also not allowed to feel bad or forget.

6) Human - Expects a pay raise anually for the job they perform.
6) Canine - Humans demand their dog perform more every year and don’t believe they should reward the dog for the work they perform.

Dear human....If you don’t train, don’t complain!"

Credit - Yvonne Campbell

Συστροφή στομάχου!  Αν δεν πάτε άμεσα στον κτηνίάτρο είναι θέμα 1-2 ωρών για να επιφέρει τον θάνατο.

Συστροφή στομάχου! Αν δεν πάτε άμεσα στον κτηνίάτρο είναι θέμα 1-2 ωρών για να επιφέρει τον θάνατο.


This is a life threatening condition where the dogs stomach becomes overstretched and twists from excessive gas.

When the stomach is distended it puts pressure on the diaphragm and other internal organs which causes problems with circulation and the respiratory system
The heart struggles to get blood and oxygen around the body.
Because the blood supply to the stomach and spleen is affected they will start to die off
The respiratory system fails the dog goes into shock and dies.

Its a condition that is not completely understood by vets, therefore the actual causes are uncertain.
But factors include:
* Larger breeds (over 40kg)
* Narrow and deep chested breeds
* Strenuously exercising before or after a meal
* Eating dry kibble (it expands in the stomach)
* Eating too fast
* Over feeding
* To much water consumption in a small period of time before or after exercise
* Nervous/fearful dogs
* Pedigree dogs are 5 times more likely to suffer from GDV than crossbreeds.

It was thought that raising a dogs food bowl helped but studies have now shown this may increase the risk of bloat

What we do know though, is that it KILLS if left untreated!

If you see any of these signs of Bloat get your dog to a vet immediately!
* A swollen, hard belly
* Retching but not able to vomit
* Drooling
* Pain in the abdomen when touched
* Restlessness
* Heavy stress panting

Not all dogs want to play!

Not all dogs want to play!

Not all dogs want to play

"Just let them play"

Contrary to popular belief, just sticking an anxious dog with a pack of dogs is not a good method of socialisation.

In fact in any dog, socialisation is not simply letting them play.

Just 'letting them get on with it' can have serious consequences.

An anxious dog running off.

A puppy becoming overwhelmed.

The dog shutting down.

Or even a bite.

Try to think of socialisation as 'confidence building'.

Confidence building.

If you were scared of heights or scared of clowns, just think how you'd feel if I made you go to a circus or climb the Eiffel Tower.

Perhaps we could start with a video of a clown, a clown at a distance. Climbing a one storie flat.

By forcing yourself or your dog into situation it feels uncomfortable with this is often referred to as 'flooding'.

Dogs need to be given a choice, an option. I'm not saying avoid every dog but gradually introduce, at a distance with lots of positive associations.

Your dog may look like it's ok, but often it's just shut down or 'quietly coping'.

Silence is NOT always golden.

Look out for signs of avoidance, a fixed stare, frantic sniffing on the floor...

If you don't step in or continue to put them in a situation they are not comfortable with they may step up the ladder of aggression.

First avoidance.

Then the fixed stare.

A low grumble.

An air snap.

A full on bite.

These sequences of events can happen so quickly and 'playtime' can escalate. Especially in a large group of dogs.

Start small.

Work things up gradually.

Parallel walking, watching from a distance. Quick may seem good, but often will lead to deeper rooted issues down the line.

Thanks for reading,
Helen Motteram

Social Paws - dog training and pet behaviour Gloucestershire

Reinforce the animal, don’t just reward them. For them to come back it has to be worth their effort. If food isn’t cutti...

Reinforce the animal, don’t just reward them. For them to come back it has to be worth their effort. If food isn’t cutting the mustard, do or use something else. "Lewis Nicholls"

If you want to make your passion your profession join PDTA academy

If you want to make your passion your profession join PDTA academy


May the spirit of Xmas bring you and your family hope, love and happiness. Keep your pets safe and warm and enjoy the holidays

BOOK NOW!! If you are a dog owner or professional, or in dog rescue this is not to be missedRead the post for more infor...

BOOK NOW!! If you are a dog owner or professional, or in dog rescue this is not to be missed
Read the post for more information

MICHAEL SHIKASHIO for the first time in CYPRUS.
SATURDAY 4th MARCH 2023, 15:00 till 18:00 (3pm-6pm)

Aggression in Dogs: Behavior Change in Action
Michael Shikashio, CDBC will highlight why dogs display aggressive behavior and demonstrate the effective techniques he uses in his aggression cases. He will discuss the variety of underlying motivations for aggression, and why it is crucial to choose the most appropriate strategy for success, based on both internal and external factors for the dog. The presentation will also include case studies with video that demonstrate the progression of behavior change! Whether dog to human, or dog to dog, or dog to cat aggression — Mike will cover it all!

Michael Shikashio, CDBC, is the founder of and focuses on teaching other professionals from around the world on how to successfully work aggression cases. He is a five-term president of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) and is a full member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT).
Michael is sought after for his expert opinion by numerous media outlets, including the New York Times, New York Post, Fox News, The List TV, Baltimore Sun, WebMD, Women’s Health Magazine, Real Simple Magazine, SiriusXM Radio, The Chronicle of the Dog, and Steve Dale’s Pet World. He also hosts the popular podcast show “The Bitey End of the Dog” where he chats with the foremost experts on dog aggression.
He is a featured keynote speaker at conferences, universities, and seminars around the world, and offers a variety of educational opportunities on the topic of canine aggression, including the Aggression in Dogs Master Course and the annual Aggression in Dogs Conference

Early bird 50 euro per person. Early bird is valid till June 2022
Normal price after June 2022 is 70 euro per person

BOOK NOW!! If you are a dog owner or professional, or in dog rescue this is not to be missed

A great video from Michael Shikashio about resource guarding. There is a lot of bad information on the internet about wo...

A great video from Michael Shikashio about resource guarding. There is a lot of bad information on the internet about working with dogs in an effort to prevent resource guarding. In some cases these attempts can actually cause a dog to guard its food bowl.

There is a lot of bad information on the internet about working with dogs in an effort to prevent resource guarding. In some cases these attempts can actuall...


We are very proud to announce that PDTA has been awarded with the European Enterprise Awards 2021 as


We are overwhelmed that our work stands out and is acknowledged

A unique opportunity to have fun with your dogs and learn how to turn your dog into a detective! Only 4 places available...

A unique opportunity to have fun with your dogs and learn how to turn your dog into a detective! Only 4 places available
Start November 20th, every Saturday for 5 weeks!
Location Dog Coach Dog School in Nicosia.

Show affection to an animal every day not just today.. Happy animal day October 4th

Show affection to an animal every day not just today.. Happy animal day October 4th

We always emphasize that training is not about sit and down, its not about "obedience" but it's all about house manners ...

We always emphasize that training is not about sit and down, its not about "obedience" but it's all about house manners and social skills. Its very important to educate little humans as well how to behave around dogs, its very important to educate puppies not to jump and bite, to be patient and behave their best.
Results like this one always make us smile and cannot help but to feel so proud about this family and all the work they have done so far.
ps. children are only 3 years old and holding food, Puppy is not even 4 months old yet :)

Όταν πάτε βόλτα τον σκύλο σας χωρίς λουρί σεβαστείτε τα σκυλιά που θα βρείτε στον δρόμο σας. Επειδή ο δικός σας σκύλος ε...

Όταν πάτε βόλτα τον σκύλο σας χωρίς λουρί σεβαστείτε τα σκυλιά που θα βρείτε στον δρόμο σας. Επειδή ο δικός σας σκύλος είναι φιλικός δεν σημαίνει ότι τα άλλα σκυλιά είναι δεκτικά σε συναντήσεις.

Well said. Please read

Well said. Please read

The meaning of SOCIALISATION has metamorphosised into the equivalent of something like a young child's birthday party. Fun, but very messy. Sadly, more often than not you could be setting yourself (and more importantly your dog) up for future failure, frustration and fights.

True socialisation is helping your dog through training to have calm, confident and and efficient skills to cope with everyday life. Our emphasis is all wrong. We should be spending more time and effort to help our dogs feel comfortable with the world around them as a whole, not just focusing on the "cute" part.

We highly recommend the online First aid course by Rachel Bean. This Course is for anyone that owns a dog, works with do...

We highly recommend the online First aid course by Rachel Bean.
This Course is for anyone that owns a dog, works with dogs, looks after dogs but most of all, LOVES DOGS!
This course will cover all the common Canine First Aid Scenarios that you may encounter while being around dogs.
This is not designed as a 'Stand Alone' Course for those of you that work with dogs professionally. It is designed as an add on, an extra, to give you more knowledge.
ps. When the section has videos you have to watch it all to be able to press continue to the next section


6, Nikitara Str, Makedonitissa

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday 09:00 - 14:00


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Our Story

We offer training for puppies and adult dogs. Our method is Force Free concept that focuses on the dog and owner interacting as a team. It balances the principles of canine behavior with stress management and positive based training principles. Our training classes help develop communication and deepen your enjoyment of your dog. They are specially designed to encourage dogs to build confidence and success as they master new behaviors in a simple, step-by-step process. Our services are: > 1-2-1 private lessons > Behavior Modification and consultation > Group classes for puppies and adult dogs > House visits

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