Your dogs were born to sniff….. Let them 😊
I’m going to let you into a little secret, I get really bored teaching loose lead walking 🥱
It’s tedious and repetitive and I’m going to bet that if I find it boring then my dogs would definitely agree with me. So boring that they would much rather drag me to the nearest thing to sniff than stay next to me.
But what if I told you loose lead walking is just a trick? So if I’m going to teach a trick, we both may as well have fun while doing it.
All the tricks in this video have one thing in common, they all happen next to me, and loose lead walking is just that, stay next to me.
So instead of boring us both to death doing the same old same old, I’m going to jazz it up a little, the end result looks the same, my dogs walk by my side, only we’ve had a laugh while doing it 😀
Please tell me I’m not the only one who hates teaching loose lead walking?!
#looseleashwalking #looseleadwalking #dogtraining #dreamsdogtraining #stopmydogpulling #tricktraining #dogtricks #dogtrainerproblems #dogtrainingismypassion #crossbreed
Do you wish you could have a great time with friends but you don’t want to leave your dog at home?
You can 😃 #dreamsdogtraining #mantrailingdog #funwithfriends #scentwork #dogtraining #northdevondogs
Thank you to everyone who came to our Scentwork Workshop this evening. We hope you had as much fun as we did.
Can’t wait to see you again soon 😄
#scentwork #dreamsdetectiondogs #scentworktraining #scentworkdog #dogtrainer
It’s all fun and games when you join DREAMS Dog Club, you never quite know what could happen! #dreamsdogclub #northdevondogtrainers #chickentraining #funtimes
How often do you separate your trained final response from your searching in scentwork?When you dont know where the hide is its important that your dog can tell you. If you’re an expert at reading their body language you might be able to call an alert but what if you miss it? Do you ever just practice this? Let us know ☺️#northdevondogtraining #scentworkdogs #scentwork #nosework
Dogs are amazing. None of these dogs had done scentwork before last night but here they all are, searching for an odour that meant nothing to them 2 hours before. 2 of the dogs are reactive to dogs, 2 are nervous of people, 2 are rather lively. Can you tell which is which? Scentwork really is for all dogs and brings out the best in them. Helps them calm down, stay focused, build confidence. It really is the best thing you could ever do for your 4 legged best friend. Stick a ❤️ in the comments if you want to have a go! #scentwork #scentworktraining #northdevondogtrainers #northdevondogtraining #dreamsdogclub #reactivedog
Scentwork people
Scentwork on the Road is coming to Dreams Dog Club next month!
I am sooo excited!!
Who fancies it?
Come and search new areas and watch your dogs progress.
You can even wear your pyjamas like me if you want 🤣🤣
When you’re too busy sniffing and playing to notice the jogger in hi viz running by 😃
Bernard the Boxer comes to our Thursday class. He first started working with Sooz last year as he would bark and lunge at people and Dogs. To begin with he was reluctant to come into the barn, even when it was empty. This was his first time coming out of his ‘safe area’ to sniff for some food. His confidence is growing every week. There are 3 other dogs nearby with their people. He is still cautious but this is a huge achievement for him. Well done Bernard 😃 #reactivedogtraining #reactivedog #boxerdogsofinstagram #dreamsdogclub
Living with a ‘reactive’ dog is hard. We know, we’ve both been there. It can take over your life. Walking in the early hours to avoid meeting triggers, constantly scanning the environment in case something or someone suddenly appears and dreading going out with your dog. And let’s not forget the guilt too. The guilt that you’re not doing enough, that your dog is missing out and their world is shrinking. The guilt you feel when you wish your dog was different or even when you wish you didn’t have them. We want you to know that it doesn’t have to be like that. Yes, your dog may never be a social butterfly but they can change. They can be helped to feel better about their triggers and stay connected to you when their triggers are nearby. At DREAMS Dog Club we have a few dogs in our classes who could be described as reactive and they are flourishing! Do you live in North Devon and have a barky shouty dog? Do you feel like you are both missing out on the joys of dog ownership? We have something in store that is aimed at you! If you want to be kept in the loop, like and follow our page. Drop a ❤️ in the comments when you’ve done it 😀 #northdevon #northdevondogtraining #northdevondogs #northdevondogtrainers #DogsInYellow #reactivedogsuk