Cost of living increases - new discounted service introduced.
With the ever increasing costs, I understand it is going to be a difficult winter for many of us. Extending time between grooms is likely to cause matting with many breeds, and potential welfare issues, but I know some will have concerns over cost. With that in mind, I'm offering a new service for those concerned about what the future holds.
At a reduced cost (typically £20-£25 for small-medium), I am able to offer an 'express groom'. No bath and dry, which means the finish won't be to my usual standard, it will be a short clip all over (still with fluffy face and longer ears where required). Nail clip will still be done. The hair will be cut short to prevent matting, practical rather than pretty and fluffy. The cut will look a little rougher than a normal full groom as coat needs to be squeaky clean and blow dried after bath for the clippers to go over smoothly, this is also why longer cuts can't be offered with this service.
This may not be suitable for some breeds, eg those who have a dense packed undercoat, or greasy coat, who need the bath and blowout more than others. I'm happy to advise on this. But the express service would work for most Llasa, Shih Tzu, poodle mixes, poodles, Bichons, etc.
Significant matting will still require a full groom, the express service is for prevention of this.