Bailey my boy
You came to us and didn't even know how play with a toy
Yet who knew you would bring us so much joy
Up and over we went (favourite walk)
This is where we saw the real you
Chasing Coco, in the rain , in the snow
Nothing would stop you
Free to be you
Back home we went
Sniffing all the scent
Time to dry off
And sleep the night
We worked on things
And sure enough you settled and truly accepted us
Finally You found your voice
Bailey you really were the best choice
We always knew you was near with a gentle nudge of your nose
Soon the nickname boops stuck
Just like all that fox poo muck
Which you loved to roll in straight after the groomers
Along came Lily
We was a little unsure how you would be
But we had nothing to worry about
Every bedtime routine you would be on guard
Lily was safe, thank you buddy
We tried and tried, we really did
Nothing would work
Back and forth to the vets
You would always battle, you really would
Bailey my boy
The time has come, your fighting is done
From me, your mum, your two sisters
Thank you for being the absolute best
Now use that awesome tail and fly high and be at rest.
We love you Bailey, always