Nina Segal Natural Therapies

Nina Segal Natural Therapies Health & Wellbeing in a Natural Way Healing can be both profound and holistic and generally only one or a few treatments are required. E.g.

Regain your wellbeing with Bowen Therapy, Homeopathy, Forensic Healing, Pranic Healing, Hypnotherapy, Reconnective Healing, The Reconnection, Weight Loss, Nutrition, Bach & Bush Flower Essences. Find out how to get fast long lasting results with:

NST - Certified Advanced Practitioner
BOWTECH - Certificate IV - Practicing Bowen since 2001

A form of body work which is gaining popula

rity all over the world due to the amazing results it can achieve. No forceful manipulation, it consists of a series of gentle movements made by rolling the thumbs or fingers over muscles and connective tissue. Due to its gentle nature, it can be safely practiced at all stages in life from pregnancy, newborn babies and both the frail and elderly. Some commonly treated conditions are:

Back pain, sciatica, herniated discs
Neck stiffness and pain, shoulder tension
Frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, RSI
Hip, knee and ankle problems
Digestive and bowel symptoms including IBS
Migraines, ear and jaw problems
Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome
Menstrual and hormonal imbalances
Respiratory problems like sinusitis and hay fever
Sports and accident injuries, etc. HOMOEOPATHY

Over 25 Years in Practice. Holistic Wellbeing with Natural Medicine

Homoeopathy is a complete system of natural medicine developed 200 years ago by German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Homoeopathy is acknowledged by the World Health Organisation who estimates Homoeopathy to have 550 million users, making it the second most used therapy in the world. Homoeopathic remedies have no addictive properties and can be used for all ages, in pregnancy, babies, children, teenagers, adults, and elderly. Homoeopathy seeks to treat the person rather than focusing on symptoms and uses a holistic approach based on developing a profile of the person and aligning that profile with a homoeopathic medicine. Homoeopathy is so deep acting that the right homoeopathic medicine can change your perception of your situation and allow you to feel free even if your life conditions do not change. Homoeopathy enables you to let go of emotional blocks that can be preventing you from moving forward and aligns you with your own life path. FORENSIC HEALING - Heal & Release the Root Cause of Your Symptoms

Whether your symptoms are physical, emotional or spiritual; we will be able to find the cause and release past stresses, shock or trauma. Imagine being able to remove blocks preventing you from creating abundance, freedom and health in your life. This healing creates self awareness, it helps you discover negative life patterns that you have been repeating throughout your life and the emotion behind them. Find out what your belief systems are creating in your life. You will discover information about yourself you never thought was there and understand why some people or situations feel so challenging and be able to alter this. People will start changing how they respond to you as you start feeling more balanced, whole, and happy. Consultations can be either in person or over the phone or Skype. PRANIC CRYSTAL HEALING

Feel lighter, peaceful, release stress and negative emotions, get more clarity and improve your symptoms with even one session of Advanced Pranic Crystal Healing and Pranic Psychotherapy. Quantum physics and Kirlian photography have proven that there is more than our physical body, they have confirmed that we have an energy field. This energy field surrounds and penetrates the physical body nourishing it with ‘prana’ or life force. Master Choa Kok Sui is the modern founder of this ancient method of healing by which prana is used to cleanse, energise and rebalance our energy centers (chakras) in our energy field (aura) creating health and wellbeing. Some commonly treated conditions are:

All negative emotions such as:
Stress, anxiety, depression, anger, irritability, fears, phobias, etc. Infertility, menstrual and hormonal imbalances
Gastric, respiratory and urinary complaints
Immune system, fever
Eyes, ears and throat
Headaches, migraines
Cardiovascular conditions such as high blood pressure
Pranic healing can also help with ailing relationships, businesses, sports performance, rejuvenation, etc. HYPNOTHERAPY

Call now for your free hypnosis screening, and discover the power of your subconscious mind! Empower yourself, Stop Smoking and Lose Weight with Hypnotherapy! Take control of your life
Get rid of addictions
Eliminate negative programmes and behaviours
Remove negative emotions such as fears, depression, anger & anxiety
Control pain
Control stress
Feel motivated, energised &
Achieve excellence


Stop smoking permanently. Smoking is more a psychological habit than a physical addiction. Get rid of the habitual behaviours and triggers that you associate with smoking. after coffee, eating, drinking, socializing, getting up, before going to bed, phone calls, etc. We have found that by combining hypnotherapy with a special homeopathic medicine and a Pranic Healing session has made it easier to stop smoking immediately and permanently. WEIGHT LOSS

What is preventing you from losing weight? Change your relationship to food. Stop turning to food for comfort. Get rid of habitual behaviours and triggers that you associate with eating. stress, anxiety, watching television, when you are sad, happy, socializing, rewarding yourself, self-protection, etc. Remove negative programming inducing you to eat. Being rewarded during childhood every time you ate your food. Get rid of negative learned behaviours in the way you eat. Junk food or eating too much and too often. Feel motivated to look after yourself with a healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition, exercise and fresh air. We also offer a detox, weight loss program, read below. INTENSE FEAR OR PHOBIAS

A phobia is an irrational fear accompanied by an out of proportion physical reaction to an object, a situation or a specific event which the sufferer tries to avoid at all costs. The fear can be so intense that it can actually paralyse the person. There are many types of phobias or fears. fear of heights, closed spaces, fear of flying, spiders, dogs, fear of being judged, of public speaking, of leaving the house, etc. Regain control of your life and feel free by eliminating your fears. RECONNECTIVE HEALING

Reconnective Healing includes the evolution of your very being and essence! Access a new, more comprehensive spectrum of healing than has ever been attainable prior to now! "Reconnective Healing not only includes yet expands beyond any and all known forms of “energy” healing. It allows for healings that are not just physical, not just mental, not just emotional… yet go beyond that to bring you healing that includes the evolution of your very being and essence!"

“if you are lucky, your healing will come in the form you anticipate. If you are really lucky, your healing will come in a form you have not even dreamed of—one that the Universe specifically has in mind for you.” - Dr. Eric Pearl


"The Reconnection brings in “new” axiatonal lines (part of a timeless network of intelligence and parallel-dimensional circulatory system) that enable us to standardise unique vibratory levels and frequencies for healing and, ultimately, for our evolution. The Reconnection activates these new lines, allowing for the exchange of energy, light and information, the reconnection of DNA strands and the reintegration of ‘strings”. - Dr. Eric Pearl

As a doctor, Eric Pearl ran a highly successful chiropractic practice for 12 years until one day when patients began reporting that they felt his hands on them—even though he hadn’t physically touched them. Patients soon reported receiving miraculous healings. WEIGHT LOSS

How would you like to get the figure you always wanted and feel great? You can lose approximately 9 kg in 3 weeks! You can do it for 21 or 40 days. The great thing about this program is that you get rid of toxic fat, not muscle. It targets flabby fatty areas and it redistributes the fat so your body reshapes itself. By releasing the bodies' fat reserves it does not go on starvation mode. The results are fast so it is easy to keep motivated. It increases metabolism and balances hormones. Well worth it, you will feel healthy and the only thing is that you will need to buy a new wardrobe! I find it is important to not only lose the weight but also to make sure there aren't any hidden agendas such as pay offs, coping mechanisms or self sabotages that can prevent you from keeping the weight off. We offer a therapy called Forensic Healing with which we can discover what has stopped you from losing or keeping the weight off. By discovering the cause, we can bring it to the surface, heal and release it. It will help you change your relationship to food; to stop turning to food for comfort. Hypnotherapy is also a modality we offer that can help you get rid of habitual behaviours and triggers that we tend to associate with eating such as stress, anxiety, watching television, being sad, happy, socializing, rewarding ourselves, self-protection, etc. It can also help remove negative programming that induce us to eating. For example, being rewarded as children every time we ate our food and to get rid of negative learned behaviors in the way we eat such as eating junk food, eating too much and/or too often. Whatever it is you are struggling with regarding your weight, as you feel happier and healthier within, it will be easier to stay motivated to be and stay at a healthy weight, to exercise, eat healthy and feel great. NUTRITION

Feel motivated to look after yourself with a healthy lifestyle, good nutrition, exercise and fresh air. Find out whether you are deficient in certain nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, probiotics, cell salts, herbs and certain foods; or if you have a sensitivity or allergy to certain foods or chemicals or are suffering from heavy metal toxicity. We will check if you have issues with hydration, toxins, parasites, bacteria or viruses. Whether the pH in your body is balanced or whether it is too acidic and we will suggest specific changes to your diet in order to help you feel well and healthy. BACH & BUSH FLOWER ESSENCES

Bach and Bush Flower Essences restore your balance, raise your vibration and harmonise negative emotions and belief patterns held in your subconscious mind. Flower essences are energetic imprints of the life force of plants. ABOUT NINA SEGAL

I developed a passion for healing, personal development and knowledge since very young. Therefore, my growth as a practitioner in varying disciplines of treatments is constant. I am grateful for the opportunity to help others reach out and touch their potential by bringing my passion, understanding, knowledge and 20 years of experience in healing to the fore and facilitating a discovery, recognition, release and healing of what holds us back from growing and being happy. My goal as a healer is to help my clients remove all physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances that forcibly restrict them from discovering their true inner selves. Many people accumulate deep seated blockages, stress, shock and trauma over time; by accessing these in the subconscious mind we can allow them to surface so that they may be released allowing healing to take place. From time to time I have found that by combining the different therapies I offer can bring outstanding results and a session may include more than one healing modality. Spoken Languages are:


Qualifications and Associations

Diploma in Homoeopathy
Diploma in Bowen Therapy
Diploma in Forensic Healing
Certificate in Advanced Pranic Healing
Certificate in Pranic Psychotherapy
Certificate in Pranic Crystal Healing
Certificate in Pranic Feng Shui
High Distinction in Geobiology (Geomancy)
Certificate in Master Diploma of Hypnotherapy
Certificate in Reconnective Healing
Certificate in The Reconnection
Certificate in Medicine Buddha

Personal Courses:
MCKS - Arhatic Yoga Certificates
Dr Arcady Petrov - Cellular Regeneration Certificates
MCKS - Certificate in Kriyashakti & Financial Planning
MCKS - Certificate in Clairvoyance
Certificate in First Aid

AHA - Australian Homoeopathic Association
AROH - Australian Register of Homoeopaths
BTFA - The Bowen Therapists Federation of Australia

Concessions available for pension or concession card holders. Private Health Fund Rebates also available.


Carretera Al Salvador
Guatemala City

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 09:00 - 18:30
Martes 09:00 - 18:30
Miércoles 09:00 - 18:30
Jueves 09:00 - 18:30
Viernes 09:00 - 18:30
Sábado 10:00 - 15:00

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