Simple Farm Tips 2024!
1. Don’t eat vegetables, Fruit and especially lettuce from out of the state your in with pesticides.
2. Eat produce right after picking. It is alive and helps gut health. Keeps away cancers ect.
3. Chicken please eat organic. Check where the farm is and farming method. Local farms around for great options.
4. Mix it up. Try new organic options. Demand better of your restaurants. Life is short!
5. Drink water and lots of it! Carry it with you everywhere.
6. Healthy cocktails. Research best options. Plenty options out there.
7. Exercise Everday!! Move your body. Mix it up to keep metabolism going. Tired? Take a walk.
8. Cut back on the sugar. Once or twice a week is fine.
9. Cold shower time for a few minutes is life changing. Hot and cold extremes stimulates cell growth.
10. Smile and laugh more. Wake up saying Thanks and go to bed saying Thanks.