Marathon 100: It was bound to happen.
This weekend we traveled to Yakima for the Yakima Canyon River Marathon. Jason, Derek, Tom, Conrad, and Zac came with us to to run. It was great to have the Agony Racing team at my side. As a team we rallied together to increased our training. I was very motivated and can't thank them enough.
Heavy rain greeted us at the start of the race. Thank you Days Inn Ellensburg for the trash bags! I pulled the trash bag at mile 3.5 once the rain let up a little.
It wasn't long before the leader (last years winner) pulled away and by mile 7, he was out of sight. However my teammates were breathing down my neck! My run/walk strategy kept me in sight for nearly the entire race. It also helped me prepare for the final miles. After a last walk at mile 21, I pushed up the final hill with a 30 second lead. Once I hit mile 23 it was all downhill to the finish. I opened up my stride and was able to gap Derek by 3 minutes, solidifying my 2nd place finish!
Already on cloud 9 at the finish, I heard my name from the side lines. It was my Mom! She and Hienz had driven over from Tacoma to surprise me. I couldn't' have wished for a greater way to celebrate the moment.
Soooo there it is. 100 Marathons, I turn 50 next month, I got 2nd overall, tied my PR of 2:55:59, got to run with my best friends and Tiedji (also "bestest" friend), and had my Mom and Hienz there to cap it all off. I AM SOOOO BLESSED!
Made the newspaper too! https://www.yakimaherald.com/news/news_watch/rainy-repeat-okabe-wins-second-straight-yakima-river-canyon-marathon/article_ad805d1c-3ade-11e8-afa5-dfe6778a0a65.html
A couple of "thank yous". Bob & Lenore Dolphin are amazing and have assembled the best volunteer crew on the planet. There is a reason so many veteran runners return to Yakima year after year. .
Also I picked up a new pair of New Balance 890s just before the race. They were untested by me at that distance and got soaking wet, yet the performed flawlessly! !