An important graphic to share! Many birds have started to lay their eggs and those eggs are now hatching. Parents are busy raising and protecting their hatchlings, which will soon become nestlings, and when they leave their nest, they will become fledglings. Birds instinctively know how to raise their young. But, as we are well aware, nature and human activity both play a role in whether these babies reach adulthood. Storms can knock down nests, humans can leave their cats outdoors, and trees can be cut down without first checking if there is a nest filled with babies on the branches or in a cavity of the tree. If we pay close attention, we can assist wild parents in the successful rearing of vulnerable baby birds to flighted fledglings. The chart below will help you decide whether a baby bird needs your help. If it does, please call your local rehabilitation center. Together, we can make a positive impact on our wildlife population.