Freedom for our newest bunch of chicks. ❤️
Let’s check in on the calves!
Checking in on our baby calves, Canyon and Archie. ❤️❤️
Fun memories on the farm. ❤️
Walk Down Memory Lane
Over 2 years ago and WARM outside. Ahhh, memories. So fun watching the goats play!
Hey everyone! It has come to our attention that some “not so clean eggs” made it into the stand over the weekend as a result of our kiddos trying to be helpful. While we appreciate our wonderful kids and ESPECIALLY them taking initiative, we are SO SORRY if you were a customer who got a batch of these eggs. The eggs are fine to eat (after being washed), but not the standard of eggs we usually give our customers. Please accept our apologies and this cute video to brighten your day! (I tried for a picture, but she couldn’t stay still because of excitement!)
The grass isn’t always greener on the other side… But sometimes there IS clover on the other side! #Winning #SmallButClever #PonyVibes
Baby goats first time outside!!!
On a day where we have ONE MILLION things to do to get ready for a trip, we are loading 121 bales of hay into the lofts… I cannot enter the shower in my condition, so I’ll have to use the hose! 😳😂😅