I’ve had several people calling to see if I’m still open during the stay at home order and the good news is yes I am!! As described in the jobs listed as essential, caring for pets is on that list.
• Caring for children, family members or pets.
Some have questioned why dog grooming is essential. Well the answer is, I don’t work with people all day. I spend maybe 10 min total during my whole day talking to people. And especially right now, it’s in and out. I see more people on a trip to Walmart that I do in a work day. I clean my desk, pens, door handle (inside and out) door locks and mailbox after each person. So that’s 8-10 times a day. Everything is crazy for everyone right now and I could easily be in the same boat as others. So be kind to people deemed essential, even if you don’t think they are. We are all just trying to make it.