⭐️I have an exciting case I have to share today. ⭐️
Everyone meet Cooper. He is a young, energetic Labrador that I met through my veterinary hospital.
He suffered a brachial plexus injury in Jan 2022 which caused him to not be able to place or use his front leg.
His owners were willing to do whatever it took to make him comfortable and hopefully get him back to his normal self
They started water treadmill therapy at a rehab facility with him and were told if there is change, it could take up to a year to see improvements. The results are all on case by case basis.. nothing is promised. There is a lot of unknown with these cases.
They reached out to me for cold laser therapy and we started right away!
I started going to their house in Jan and working on Cooper twice weekly, every week.
I’m excited to share that as of last week, he is placing his leg and working on getting his muscle strength back! 🤗🤗🤗
He has a ways to go to continue to strengthen the muscles, and I will be there to help him with laser therapy!
I am so happy with his progress and so excited I could help!!!
It’s amazing what this laser can do for patients!!
Here is Cooper’s progress video!! Jan and May.