To Mango, all attention is good attention. There is never enough. Please send more attention 📦
I don’t know that there will ever be a day I am NOT impressed by this. Apologies for the blurry camera, it hadn’t had its coffee yet!We start toilet training at 3 weeks of age and by home time, this is the result every morning. I went to bed at 9 last night, and came out 12 hours later to neat poops on their grass toilet. The only ‘accidents’ these days are when their front paws feel the grass and they squat to wee before they’re truly on the toilet 😂 who can say they expect this of 8 pups overnight?? Clever babies 😍
Breaky time! Gromper is staaarving 😫
#hungrypuppy #bostonterriersaustralia #bostonterrier #bostonterrierpuppy #puppiesaustralia #mdba #colouredbostonterrier #colouredbostonterriers #colouredbostonterriersaustralia
I am the most popular I’ve ever been 😂 #youdontmakefriendswithsalad
New fluffy pyjamas makes for a very confused Cookie. Where did all the milk go??
Sookie and ‘her’ dog, our 10yo amstaff Loki. He only plays with her like this all the time, not the other Bosties. He lets her sleep on his head, steal his treats and blanket, and is always so mindful of her little chicken legs when they wrestle 🥺 watch at 00:10 when said chicken leg ventures too far down his throat though 🤢 😂
Taz, Piper and Mango having an epic bitey face session 😂
Fight Club training ramps up this week with Bitey Face lessons commencing. Little Paige has natural raw talent, and can just about dislocate that tiny jaw to accomodate even the chonkiest puppy heads like Phoebe’s 😬
Chase enjoying his massage 💆♂️ In my next life I swear I’m coming back as a stud dog 😂
Baby shark teeth are coming in this week, and as soon as the feed is finished Mango is out of there and nowhere to be seen (clearly not her first rodeo 🦈 😂). Piper doesn’t leave until she’s toileted and bathed everyone, she’s still loving nurturing them 🥺