Rajshahi Pet Care

Rajshahi Pet Care We try our best to become most careful toward those wordless animals. Rajshahi Pet Care

"একটি মানবিক সাহায্যের আবেদন"বাচ্চাটার নাম 'আমির হামজা'। বয়স মাত্র ২ বছর। সে দুরারোগ্য ব্যাধি "ব্লাড ক্যান্সারে" এ আক্রা...

"একটি মানবিক সাহায্যের আবেদন"
বাচ্চাটার নাম 'আমির হামজা'। বয়স মাত্র ২ বছর। সে দুরারোগ্য ব্যাধি "ব্লাড ক্যান্সারে" এ আক্রান্ত।বাবার নাম শামীম,উনার দুই মেয়ে ১ ছেলে, বড় মেয়েকে(১১বছর বয়সে) বছরখানেক আগে কিছু কাপুরষ ধর্ষণ করে নির্মম ভাবে হত্যা করেছে(যার কেস আদালতে এখনও চলমান),২য় মেয়ের বয়স ৮ বছর,৩য় ছেলে আমীর হামজা(ব্লাড ক্যান্সারে আক্রান্ত)। তার বাবা একজন খুবই সামান্য হতদরিদ্র রিক্সা চালক,সেই সাথে বড় মেয়ের কেস চালাতে গিয়ে সে আরো নি:শ্ব, বলতে গেলে দিন আনে দিন খায়। তার একার পক্ষে এই ব্যায়বহুল চিকিৎসা খরচ বহন করা কোনো ভাবেই সম্ভব নই।তাই তার বাবা সমাজের সকল মানুষের কাছে আকুল আবেদন জানিয়েছে যে,আপনারা যার যা সামর্থ্য যতোটুকু হয় একটু সাহায্য করুন।অসহায় বাচ্চাটার জীবন বাচাতে তার পাশে এসে দারান।ছোট্ট একটা বাচ্চা,যে কেবলই গুটি গুটি পায়ে হাটা শিখেছে,আধো আধো কথা বলতে শিখেছে।সকলের কাছে বিশেষ ভাবে অনুরোধ দয়া করে বাচ্চাটির পাশে এসে দাড়ান।

বাচ্চাটি রাজশাহী মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতালে চিকিৎসাধীন অবস্থায় ভর্তি আছে।
[আপনারা সরাসরি হাসপাতালে গিয়ে বাচ্চাটিকে দেখতে এবং চিকিৎসার সকল কাগজপত্র বা তথ্য জানতে 01758804389 এই নাম্বারে যোগাযোগ করতে পারেন]

01758804389 [Bikash/Nagad, Personal]
রেফারেন্স এ অবশ্যই আমীর হামজা লিখবেন।

আর্থিকভাবে সাহায্য করতে না পারলেও অন্তত পোস্টটি শেয়ার করে সাহায্য করুন প্লিজ। হইতো আপনার করা শেয়ার থেকেই বাচ্চাটি আর্থিক সাহায্য পেতে পারে 🙏

A few glimpses of our honourable patients for whom we have traveled so far today. We hope you'll be there for advice, in...

A few glimpses of our honourable patients for whom we have traveled so far today. We hope you'll be there for advice, inspiration and guidance as always.
Thanks for being with us🙏

Rajshahi Pet Care
If Any Enquiry Or Emergency Please Call Us:

  Pure Persian KittenAge: 2 months Father: Imported Blue eyes persian. Mother: Ginger Colour Persian For More Details pl...

Pure Persian Kitten
Age: 2 months
Father: Imported Blue eyes persian.
Mother: Ginger Colour Persian

For More Details please Call or WhatsApp to us

📌 CAT FLU - What to look out for, and the importance of vaccination.Cat flu is the common name for a highly contagious u...

📌 CAT FLU - What to look out for, and the importance of vaccination.
Cat flu is the common name for a highly contagious upper respiratory disease that affects the health of cats and kittens. Just like with human flu it can be caused by one or more viruses, most often Feline Herpes 1 (FHV1) and Feline Calicivirus (FVC). Unlike human flu, people can’t catch it, and people cannot pass human flu to their cats.

📌 Common symptoms of cat flu
Be on the lookout for any of the following symptoms. And bear in mind that there is no specific cat flu season, but it can brought on by periods of stress…
👉Discharge from the nose and or eyes.
👉Breathing problems.
👉Open mouthed breathing.
👉Swollen eyes.
👉Loss of appetite.
👉Sore mouth or tongue.

📌 How to treat cat flu..?
As cat flu is a virus, there is no direct cure, so treatment aims to relieve the suffering from symptoms while the body fights the infection. Sadly, this fight can all too often overcome cats who are very young, older or who have a weakened system from other illness or injury.

Vets can provide pain medication, anti-viral meds, eye drops and antibiotics if any bacterial infections arise. In severe cases your cat may require an intravenous drip for hydration, so please contact your vet as soon as you suspect cat flu. They may also alert the local community and other veterinary surgeries in case owners need to keep cats in doors.

🤚If your cat has the above symptoms, or is diagnosed with cat flu, please isolate them from other cats, keep them indoors and separate their feeding stations and bedding, ensuring these items are also washed separately.

📌 Will my cat always carry the cat flu virus?
Unfortunately, yes. Viruses never leave the system and can flare up again in times of stress or illness, such as moving house or boarding. The virus can also be spread to other cats at stressful times, so you must always advise the cattery or boarding kennel if you ever intend to use one.

It stands to reason that the best way to avoid illness from cat flu is to protect against it with vaccination. Kittens can begin a course of cat flu vaccination from eight weeks of age, with booster vaccines given throughout their lives.
Rajshahi Pet Care

Our specialised grooming team ready for a premium  grooming service for your loved one,So hurry up..Our Premium Grooming...

Our specialised grooming team ready for a premium grooming service for your loved one,So hurry up..

Our Premium Grooming Service:
1. Bathing and blow dry.
2. Dry wash and blow dry.
3. Medicated bathing.
4. Bathing and flea treatment.
5. Flea and tick treatment.
6. Nail trimming and paw cleaning.
7. Teeth brushing.
8. Ear cleaning.
9. Ear mite cleaning.
10. Grooming and styling.
11. Full body trimming.
12. Full grooming service.
13. Styling and hair coloring.

Rajshahi Pet Care
For Booking Your Appoint,Please Call us


7 Things to Know About Deworming Your pets

Deworming is an important preventative care regime for reducing parasites (internal and external) and improving your pet’s health. It is also important to help to prevent transmission of parasites to you and your human family members! Here are some things to know about those unwanted houseguests your cat or dog might unknowingly be hosting.

1. Puppies and Kittens need to be dewormed more often: It is recommended that your puppy or kitten is dewormed every 2 weeks until they reach 3 months of age. Puppies and kittens are usually born with parasites passed on from mom (even if mom is dewormed) before they are born. After this, in our area, deworming depends on exposure risk. Please discuss this with your vet.

2. Just because you can’t see them, doesn’t mean they’re not there: Sometimes we can see little wiggly worms in our pet’s faeces, but this is not always the case. When in doubt, a faecal examination is done to check for parasites.

3. There are certain factors that can increase exposure. Consider this:
📌 What parasites are in the area where you live?
📌 Has your pet travelled anywhere in the past few months?
📌 Other provinces or countries can potentially expose your pet to different species of parasites.
📌 What is your pet’s risk of exposure?
📌 Do they go outside?
📌 Do they have contact with many other animals?
📌 Do they frequent busy dog parks or daycares?

4. Certain people are at higher risk than others: Children, the elderly, pregnant women, cancer patients, diabetics and anyone else with a suppressed immune system are at a greater risk. Many dogs and cat parasites are “zoonotic”, meaning they are transmissible from animals and cause disease in humans. Be cautious and take extra care if there is anyone in your household who might be at a greater risk for exposure.

5. Myth or Fact? Parasites cannot survive our cold Alberta winters: Well, both. Many cannot, but some species can survive in temperatures below -30°C. Intestinal roundworms produce 10,000 eggs every day. These eggs have a thick crust which protects them from the elements – they can survive and be infectious through up to 5 years, even in our harsh northern climate. Your pet may still be at risk!

6. Certain types of internal parasites are more common in Alberta than others: Ascarids (roundworms), tapeworms, and giardia, intestinal protozoa which causes “beaver fever” in humans. Roundworms and tapeworms both are infectious to humans as well.

7. There are easy steps to take to lower the risk of infection of your pets, your family and yourself:

Pick up after your pet on walks and in your yard.
Cover sandboxes when not in use and keep garden areas protected.
Wash your hands thoroughly after disposing of animal faeces.
Discuss the most practical, effective parasite prevention program for your pets.

If you have any questions about deworming or would like deworming medication for your pet please contact with us:

Rajshahi Pet Care


Our specialised grooming team ready for a premium grooming service for your loved one,So hurry up..

Our Premium Grooming Service:
1. Bathing and blow dry.
2. Dry wash and blow dry.
3. Medicated bathing.
4. Bathing and flea treatment.
5. Flea and tick treatment.
6. Nail trimming and paw cleaning.
7. Teeth brushing.
8. Ear cleaning.
9. Ear mite cleaning.
10. Grooming and styling.
11. Full body trimming.
12. Full grooming service.
13. Styling and hair coloring.

Rajshahi Pet Care
For Booking Your Appoint,Please Call us


Cute Parrots bird came to the clinic today for treatment with her broken leg. Please be more careful with your pets.
Rajshahi Pet Care

If Any Emergency or Enquiry please call us

The cat came to the clinic with an abdominal wound. The lower abdomen was probably cut by a sharp object. The experience...

The cat came to the clinic with an abdominal wound. The lower abdomen was probably cut by a sharp object. The experienced doctor and the team of Rajshahi Pet Care operated on the wound with care and skill.The cat is now doing much better.
Rajshahi Pet Care

If Any Emergency or Enquiry please call us


Happiness 😊
Rajshahi Pet Care

🐈WHAT IS NEUTERING..?Neutering is a minor surgery in which a Vet removes a cat's reproductive system. As a result they c...

Neutering is a minor surgery in which a Vet removes a cat's reproductive system. As a result they cannot reproduce.
Neutering removes the male cat's testicles.

°Neutering is a form of birth control. This reduces the number of unwanted children.
°Calms cats by reducing aggressive behavior.
°Neutering male cats reduces the risk of testicular cancer and prostate disease.
°Decreased tendency to go out of the house. As a result, there are no fights with other cats and no other accidents.
°Stops Spraying of Cats.
°Keeps cats long and healthy Life.

When the cat is four to five months old and the cat's weight must be above 2 kg, it is the right time to get spayed or neutered. Generally, at the age of four-five months, the cat becomes sexually mature, that is, it comes into heat. But it depends on the breed, for example, Persian cats come into heat at the age of more than 10 months.

Rajshahi Pet Care
If Any Emergency or Enquiry please call us

  নাম: টিমটিম।বয়স: ১ বছর ৭ মাস।রং: সাদা (লেজ ও মাথায় ২ কানের কাছে কালো),গলায় বেগুনী রঙের বেল্ট আছে।হারানোর সময়: ২৯ এ...

নাম: টিমটিম।
বয়স: ১ বছর ৭ মাস।
রং: সাদা (লেজ ও মাথায় ২ কানের কাছে কালো),গলায় বেগুনী রঙের বেল্ট আছে।
হারানোর সময়: ২৯ এপ্রিল, আনুমানিক রাত ৮টা থেকে ৯টা ।
লোকেশন:৭২/২৭(এম রহমান নার্সিং কলেজের পাশে), হড়গ্রাম পূর্ব পাড়া, রাজশাহী সিটি বাইপাস , ডিঙ্গাডোবা, রাজপাড়া, রাজশাহী ।
যোগাযোগ: ০১৭১৪১৩৭৬৭৪(তানভীর)
Rajshahi Pet Care

This afternoon,an anonymous person rescued these two baby birds and brought them to our clinic.The chicks fell down from...

This afternoon,an anonymous person rescued these two baby birds and brought them to our clinic.The chicks fell down from the bird's nest.One chick is fully recovered but the other chick fell down and was injured.General treatment was given. The chicks could have died if not for rescue.

Thank you to the man who rescued us at the right time and brought us directly to the clinic.

If Any Emergency or Enquire Please Call or WhatsApp to Us

A few glimpses of our honourable patients for whom we have traveled so far today. We hope you'll be there for advice, in...

A few glimpses of our honourable patients for whom we have traveled so far today. We hope you'll be there for advice, inspiration and guidance as always.
Thanks for being with us🙏

Rajshahi Pet Care
If Any Enquiry Or Emergency Please Call Us:


Received this precious gift from our patient owner. We have no words to express our gratitude to him. We are truly overwhelmed, emotional, honored.
Thank You Once Again To Believe in Us.
Rajshahi Pet Care

This was the picture of the second day of Eid'2024. Many emergency patients came to the clinic. Doctors of Rajshahi Pet ...

This was the picture of the second day of Eid'2024. Many emergency patients came to the clinic. Doctors of Rajshahi Pet Care and Rajshahi Pet Care team tried their best to provide maximum treatment and services to all the animals.
Because for us, the health of these helpless animals is more than the joy of Eid.
We know that we are not perfect, but we don't want to put any flaw in our efforts towards these helpless creatures.
To make our service more qualityful and better, we really need your suggestions and guidance.
Thank you all for your faith, trust and confidence in us.
Once again Eid Mubarak everyone.
Rajshahi Pet Care

If Any Emergency or Enquiry please call us

The dog came to the clinic with a tail wound after being bitten by another dog.The wound on the dog's tail had rotted an...

The dog came to the clinic with a tail wound after being bitten by another dog.
The wound on the dog's tail had rotted and turned into a maggot.
Rajshahi Pet Care's experienced doctors and his team remove the maggots from the tail with great skill and care and provide all necessary treatment.
And along with that, the entire fur of the dog was trimmed by the skilled and experienced grooming team of Rajshahi Pet Care. Because the child had numerous fleas on it.
Alhamdulillah the baby is now healthy.

Rajshahi Pet Care
If Any Emergency or Enquiry please call us

Yeasterday at midnight, an emergency call came at around 12 o'clock. A cat fell from the 5th floor. This Ramadan, it was...

Yeasterday at midnight, an emergency call came at around 12 o'clock. A cat fell from the 5th floor. This Ramadan, it was case number 4. After falling from the 5th floor, the cat's back leg was pierced by something like a nail or an iron rod. We request all of you again and again to please make your houses catproof,This is a special request from the bottom of our hearts to cat lovers.

If Any Emergency or Enquiry Please Call or WhatsApp to us

If Any Enquiry Or Order,Please Call UsHome Delivery possible.  ☎️+8801907395718☎️+8801887867759

If Any Enquiry Or Order,Please Call Us
Home Delivery possible.


CatStar is a daily multivitamin and coat tonic
Contains 7 vitamins, 1 minerals , 1 amino acid and omega fatty acids
CatStar contains Taurine which is an essential amino acid for cats for normal vision, normal digestion, normal heart muscle function, to maintain normal pregnancy and fetal development, and to maintain a healthy immune system.
Omega 3, 6 & 9 in perfect balance to promote healthy skin, glossy coat (Fatty acids derived from plant & fish sources)
Vitamin E, Zinc & Biotin helps to repair the dry and flaky skin and minimise non-seasonal shedding
CatStar helps to stimulate the appetite and make the pet healthy.

Rajshahi Pet Care
If Any Enquiry Or Order,Please Call Us
Home Delivery possible.


Cats love catnip because it makes them feel good. As your cat licks and rubs on the herb, the release of nepetalactone sets off a euphoric reaction. Scientists aren't sure exactly why this happens, but many believe cats are responding to the nepetalactone as though it is a pheromone.

Rajshahi Pet Care
If Any Enquiry Or Order,Please Call Us
Home Delivery possible.

    লিঙ্গ: দুজনেই মেয়ে জন্ম : ২৯ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৩খাদ্যাভাস: সিদ্ধ মুরগির মাংস, সিদ্ধ মাছ, ক্যাটফুডচরিত্র: খেলাধুলা করতে পছ...

লিঙ্গ: দুজনেই মেয়ে
জন্ম : ২৯ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৩
খাদ্যাভাস: সিদ্ধ মুরগির মাংস, সিদ্ধ মাছ, ক্যাটফুড
চরিত্র: খেলাধুলা করতে পছন্দ করে, মানুষ ছাড়া থাকতে পারে না
পটি ট্রেনিং: ট্রেইন্ড, লিটার ও বালু দুটোতেই অভ্যস্ত

বাসার বিড়াল, বাসাতেই ভেটের তত্ত্বাবধানে জন্ম। যেহেতু আমি অনেকগুলো বিড়াল সামলাতে পারছি না সেজন্যই তাদের দুজনকে একটা ভাল পরিবারের দিতে চাচ্ছি। দুটো বাবু একসাথে নিতে হবে এমন কোন বিষয় না, একটা করে নিলেও হবে।

*বাসা ক্যাটপ্রুভ হতে হবে।

*নির্দিষ্ট সময়ে ডিওয়ার্মিং এবং ভ্যাক্সিন দিতে হবে।

*যেহেতু প্লেফুল, বাচ্চার মতো দেখা-শোনা করে রাখতে হবে।

*আপডেট দিতে হবে।

*ফ্যামিলি অগ্রাধিকার দেওয়া হবে।

*নতুন বাসায় গেলে চিৎকার চেঁচামেচি করবে সেটাও মাথায় রেখে এডপ্ট করতে হবে।

*অবশ্যই রাজশাহী সদরের মধ্যে হতে হবে।

লোকেশন: রাজশাহী টিকাপাড়া।

বেইলি রোডের ভয়াবহ অগ্নিকাণ্ডের দুর্ঘটনায় আমরা গভীরভাবে শোকাহত ও মর্মাহত।Rajshahi Pet Care

বেইলি রোডের ভয়াবহ অগ্নিকাণ্ডের দুর্ঘটনায় আমরা গভীরভাবে শোকাহত ও মর্মাহত।
Rajshahi Pet Care


Uposhohor Uttora Clinic Mor, Beside Agrani Bank, Cantonment Road

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 20:00
Thursday 11:00 - 20:00
Friday 16:00 - 21:00
Saturday 11:00 - 20:00
Sunday 11:00 - 20:00




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