Garlic day 2 out of 3
Here's my method - all constructive criticism is welcome.
1. Lay measuring tape down middle of bed.
2.) Place 1 row of garlic along measuring tape @ desired spacing.
3.) Remove measuring tape and fill in remaining rows by using the first row as a guide.
4.) Stab hori hori knife 6" into ground with one hand and simultaneously push garlic into the hole with your other.
5.) Ensure garlic is fully covered*.
6) Remember to work on your hamstring flexibility this winter so it won't hurt so much next time.
*Planting depth is dependent on many factors, but I've chosen to plant fairly shallow (papery stem covered by an inch) because I will be covering every bed with a pile of straw.
Deeper plantings provide more protection in our cold climate and allow the garlic to access a more regular source of moisture since the deeper soil (ie. clay) holds moisture much longer.
Moisture and nutrient retention is actually one of the benefits of clay soil - I mention this if you're like me and always dreaming of softer soil in a far away land.
Hopefully just one more day to go 🤞