Automatic Chicken Waterer. Requires steady supply of rain or melting snow. Environmentally friendly in more ways than one.
When 1 chicken becomes 3.
The hen says it’s an egg. The cat says it’s a ball. The hen wins.
Dig a hole, they said. Jump in and wiggle all around, they said. You’re gonna feel so clean and shiny when you’re done, they said. Don’t do it!! It felt like dirt, I came out dirtier than I was when I went in, and realized that chicken dirt bathing is only good for chickens.😳🤣
When the hen bites you just because you want an egg of your own, she might be getting broody.
Egg Plant Feeding Frenzy! They love that fermented feed.
They come from far and wide if you set a pail of grain on the ground.
Those chickens just keep crossing the road. If we didn’t feed them there, they wouldn’t even cross it.
This hen was in a cage in the shop because other chickens were picking on her. She was released to roam free, but Bo plans to put her back in the cage.
The President hasn’t yet grown his magnificent tail feathers. It’ll be tough to attract ladies without the feathers.
The way she’s singing, you’d think she’d laid every one of those eggs.
The pampered chickens at Egg Plant Headquarters get very special, fermented feed everyday. It contains exotic feeds like whole wheat, cracked wheat, corn, field peas, barley and oats. You could call this gourmet mixture “Chicken Porridge”. Mmmmmmmm.🐔
When approached by reporters who wished to ask this hen about her laziness and lack of contribution to the Blue Egg Egg Project going on at Egg Plant Headquarters, she fidgeted, avoided eye contacted and took off with the regular retort of “no comment”. We’ll try to catch her later.
One black chick made a dash for it, but Duke is serious about his job and quickly had the situation under control.
Duke worked diligently to corral the runaway chicks. Finally, he sent the last one home.
Haha! Duke got body slammed by a chicken!🐶🐔😂
This is what it looked like at the Nanton Fire Hall with so many flocking to Cassandra Kirkpatrick’s presentation tonight. Thanks Cassandra and Alberta Farm Animal Care for the great information.