New View Dog Training

New View Dog Training Exploring balance and connection through the human-canine relationship 🌊

⇢ Balanced and Relati


Latest email with a new blog post (with games and videos!) And info on the next Hang and Train in Victoria has been sent! Check your promo folder if you didn't get it!

What is structure? Too often we're told to "add more structure" as if that will solve all of our dog's behavioural probl...

What is structure?

Too often we're told to "add more structure" as if that will solve all of our dog's behavioural problems. But what does that mean?

Structure is much more than a laundry list of things to check off:
- sitting before walking out the door,
- making eye contact before eating a meal,
- walking your dog daily)
In fact, structure is better described as a WAY OF LIFE with our dogs.

I describe structure in the following way:

1. Knowing what's expected of your dog.

This can often be the hardest piece! I encourage my students to ask themselves what they would like their dog to be doing at any given moment: when you're cooking or eating food, when you're relaxing or working from home, or when you're out and about in the world.

2. Communicating what's expected to your dog.

In this communication comes training, repetition and lots and lots of reinforcement.

and, 3. Following through on what you've asked.

And this, my friends, is where structure becomes a way of life.

While this may seem like a lot TO DO, sometimes structure is more about creating environments where you don't actually have to do much at all.

What does structure mean to you?

Do you celebrate your dog on Valentine's day - your loyal shadow through life's ups and downs?How do you celebrate your ...

Do you celebrate your dog on Valentine's day - your loyal shadow through life's ups and downs?

How do you celebrate your dog on Valentine's day? A cake? Cookie? Juicy bone?

Instead of thinking of what you can get your dog, why don't we think about what we could do with our dogs to celebrate our bond and relationship.

A trip to the beach, a long walk along the gorge, a hike up mount work, a training session in a field, am intense play session, being present with your dog.

Spending dedicated time with your 4-legged life partner is just the Valentine's day love that I'll be giving.

It's one thing to train a dog for perfection. It's another thing to nurture a personality, enrich a life, encourage posi...

It's one thing to train a dog for perfection. It's another thing to nurture a personality, enrich a life, encourage positive choices and strengthen a connection.

Here's to the end of 2022 and the start of 2023. To speak to the year past:This past year was like riding the wave after...

Here's to the end of 2022 and the start of 2023.
To speak to the year past:
This past year was like riding the wave after the storm. I've gone through a lot of healing, a lot of reflection, and a lot of prioritizing my mind and body.
This new years eve marked the fourth anniversary of my mother's passing. Every year has been challenging, but this year in particular. Victoria was where she was born and raised, and I feel her spirit here. I miss her.
To speak to the new year:
While I've newly discovered that I'm somewhat triggered by new years resolutions, I do have a personal resolution that I'd like to share.
I want to make decisions that prioritize my mental and physical health and happiness in life and business.
And with all that, I am excited for the year to come, and excited to share some new content and events with everyone.
To a new view in a new year,

Engaged, Obedient, Calm and Confidence: 4 words that I use to describe a "good dog"I came up with my 4 pillars of dog tr...

Engaged, Obedient, Calm and Confidence: 4 words that I use to describe a "good dog"
I came up with my 4 pillars of dog training many years ago. Over the years, I've played with this concept - everything from the words, the meaning and how to apply it.
I'm a little amazed at how easily this concept can be applied to a multitude of different things. And more than that, it's been an amazing tool for my students to understand what we're aiming for.
Would you be interested in learning more? If so, let me know!
Help me shape what content to put out into the world!

Perfection isn't the point.Understanding, connecting, playing, growing, feeling and experiencing each moment. That shoul...

Perfection isn't the point.
Understanding, connecting, playing, growing, feeling and experiencing each moment.
That should be the point.

This photo was taken 7 years ago and marks the beginning of my deep dive into the training world. Duke had been with me ...

This photo was taken 7 years ago and marks the beginning of my deep dive into the training world. Duke had been with me for a couple of years by this point, and we had been to a basic training program. I had already had my feet into the pet industry, but on the nutrition side of the world. This was the beginning of my obsession with dog behaviour.

I am actively enrolling new students into my private training programs - and I still have room for a few more!I've talke...

I am actively enrolling new students into my private training programs - and I still have room for a few more!
I've talked to a lot of people in Victoria about their previous dog training experiences. Some of the common things I hear are:
- I did not get enough help in my group training class.
- I took a group class, but we only learned basic obedience, it didn't help my dog's behaviour
- After a one-on-one session, I wasn't able to book another session for 3 or more weeks.
- My dog training experience was too disjointed with little follow-up or support - even within the same company.
With this feedback in mind, I've created my own Private Training Program. It includes:
- Up to 3 hours of in-person private training split between 2 sessions per month
- Videos and PDFs of concepts and exercises delivered during private training time
- Check-ins in between sessions in the form of chat, phone calls or zoom sessions.
- Extra dog training information and knowledge to further your knowledge and understanding
- Group walks will be a new addition to the program starting in 2023!
My goal for each of my students is to make them feel like they have a dog trainer in their back pocket - because they kind of do!
I'm here whenever there is a challenge or a question, I'm also here when there's a brilliant idea or a win.
But most importantly, I'm here to help you build a better life with your dog. I'm here to address you and your dog in the moment. I'm here to creatively problem solve with you at your level.
I'm here for you.
Plus you get all that 'new view' kinda love - come join me!

What motivates your dog? Understanding this is an invaluable tool in training. What will your dog do anything for? Is it...

What motivates your dog?
Understanding this is an invaluable tool in training. What will your dog do anything for? Is it food? attention? play? or is it running? chasing? digging? sniffing?
As your dog's trainer, your job is to learn how to creatively use these motivators in your training with your dog. However, there is one extra piece to this puzzle.
You must figure out how to use these motivators in such a way that you are the gateway to them. How can you show your dog that the fastest way to these amazing things and activities is to work with you, listen to you, respond to you, and be your inseparable partner in crime.
Because ultimately, WE want to be the thing that motivates our dogs the most.
I like to say, dog training is one part knowledge, one part skill, and one BIG part creatively working with the dog in front of you.
So.... what motivates YOUR dog?

Fall is here. The changing seasons brings a feeling of energetically contracting into my core. I can feel an almost moth...

Fall is here. The changing seasons brings a feeling of energetically contracting into my core. I can feel an almost motherly warmth ready to help my percolating ideas take form, and ultimately, take flight.
Fall is the season to give breath to new beginnings - gotta love that feminine energy.

People are illogical, unreasonable and self-centered - love them anywayIf you do good, people will accuse you of selfish...

People are illogical, unreasonable and self-centered - love them anyway
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives - do good anyway
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies - succeed anyway
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow - do good anyway
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable - be honest and frank anyway
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight - build anyway
People really need help but may attack you if you do help them - help people anyway
Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth - give the world the best you have anyway
The Paradoxical Commandments by Dr. Kent M. Keith

For all my new puppy owners out there - and I'm talking NEEEEEWWW, like just picked up your 8 week old gem.I have 4 majo...

For all my new puppy owners out there - and I'm talking NEEEEEWWW, like just picked up your 8 week old gem.
I have 4 major points that, if followed, will make your life a s**t tonne easier and set your puppy up to be a successful badass in life.
1. Build a Managment Plan
2. Start Training Right Away
3. Recognize an Overtired Puppy
4. Start Safe Exposure Training
To read to full deal, head over to my blog:

"Our society has been taught to idolize fictional characters with no work-life balance. We even see them as being ‘Succe...

"Our society has been taught to idolize fictional characters with no work-life balance. We even see them as being ‘Successful’ - great job, great accomplishments, and great s*x.
I want that! Except I’d have to be a fu***ng superhuman to survive the life that these ‘successful’ fictional characters live on the screen. No wonder burnout is so prevalent in our society today. "
Excerpt from my most recent blog post,

In the social media age, it's easier than ever to access information. The dog training world is an excellent example of ...

In the social media age, it's easier than ever to access information. The dog training world is an excellent example of how a billion different opinions, approaches, pointers and more can be widely available through your favourite social media platform. All of it is out there ripe and just ready to be consumed - by the everyday dog owner.
And for the everyday dog owner, that s**t can be overwhelming and confusing.
There are super impressive videos (which, let's be honest, are more to be consumed by other dog professionals), there are posts with words that don't even make sense (again, directed at people who have been around a couple of blocks), and there are things out that just don't make sense to you.
And hell, you might find all of those things right here on my page!
From my experience, navigating the social media world of dog training comes down to 2 things
1. Find a path that serves you
2. Find a path that serves your dog
1. As an everyday dog owner, it's super important to be clear on what you want to get out of your life with your dog. And then extrapolate what skills are required to get that life. Example: You are a runner or hiker and you want to have your dog come with you -> must be good on the walk. All those impressive dog videos are, well, impressive, but they may have ZERO applications in your life! So file them under "cool" and move on.
2. NEWSFLASH dogs have needs. When those needs aren't being met - well - it sucks. I'm talking about food, water, shelter, exercise, etc. But beyond that, specific dogs are going to have specific needs that may fall more on the dog training side of the spectrum (insert confusing terminology here).
Knowing what those individual needs are: sometimes we can intuitively figure it out - my dog is crazy and they need to be relaxed - but sometimes they are trickier. And that would be a good time to work with a trainer.
So my point? Find the path that best serves YOU - what do you want to get out of your life with your dog - and your DOG - what does your individual dog need to be successful in life. Everything else you can file under "cool but not for me"
Streamline that s**t!

"Over my entrepreneurial career, I had created an environment for myself that had the illusion of choice and freedom. In...

"Over my entrepreneurial career, I had created an environment for myself that had the illusion of choice and freedom. In reality, I was blasting my way through the desolate plains of burnout on a train that was not stopping. Words would spew from the smoke stack that read "Success and Happiness!", like a billboard across the sky advertising what I was for all who might catch a glimpse. But the letters would disappear faster than they were being formed, a testament to the truth behind the statement. "
New blog post -

Are you aware that you need to "socialize" your dog, but not sure what to "socialize" them to?Why not build your own soc...

Are you aware that you need to "socialize" your dog, but not sure what to "socialize" them to?

Why not build your own socialization plan based on you and your dog's individual lifestyle and goals?

But first, what is "socialization"? In this case, socialization is the process of setting your dog up to be a successful partner in crime for all of your adventuring goals. More specifically, we are going to build a plan to "prep" your dog for your favourite activities.

First! Brainstorm a list of all the different types of activities you want to do with your dog. This is your bucket list, your wish list, your Disneyland level goals - all the things you've ever wanted to do with your dog (like ever!).

Second, start breaking down each main goal into all the little pieces that make up that goal. The smaller the pieces, the more manageable the third step will be and the more successful you and your dog are going to be!

Let's use a dog-friendly-patio-beer with friends as an example. What are the steps to get you there? What types of things will be in that new environment? What are your expectations of your dog in that environment?

I'm talking everything from: the car ride to get there, walking calmly onto the patio area, not jumping on your friends, not pulling to see other dogs, sitting or laying down calmly beside you, not spilling your beer (or eating your food) and being able to relax for the whole length of time you're there.

The third step - all those little pieces, well, they need to be worked on. I always suggest having a plan for what you're doing to work on and when. Part of your socialization training plan may be going to the establishment for a walk and training session. Part of your plan may be to throw your dog on a leash and have them sit next to you while you sip your coffee and scroll social media.

The beauty of all of this is that it's Your plan designed by You for Your life with Your dog achieving Your lifestyle goals.

yeah man, it's all you!

Hey look! There's a new look on our page! Does that mean... no... wait... it's time to post some new content?Ye...

Hey look! There's a new look on our page! Does that mean... no... wait... it's time to post some new content?
Yeah it is.
Duke's here giving you his best "Blue Steel" to warm you up for the real stuff.

It's Friday! Just a friendly reminder from your neighborhood recovering over-worker to Take👏Some👏Time👏Off👏Fellow pet pro...

It's Friday!
Just a friendly reminder from your neighborhood recovering over-worker to Take👏Some👏Time👏Off👏
Fellow pet professionals - I'm looking at you. The burnout recovery is not worth answering messages on the weekend. Trust me.

That name "New View" came to me during a late night brainstorming date with my whiteboard. At first it represented a new...

That name "New View" came to me during a late night brainstorming date with my whiteboard.
At first it represented a new view for me - new location, new family member, new view on life, new view on doing business, a new view on caring for myself
But it quickly translated into a new view for everyone I will have the pleasure to work with. A new view on dog ownership, on sharing space with a dog and on training a dog.
I'm pretty much done with the idea that 'it needs to be done a certain way, because that's how it's always been done'. I'm ready to throw that out and bring in a new view.
Who's with me?
I'm clearing the visual space to prep for new content!
Victoria, I'm coming for you!

I've had so much fun exploring the greater Victoria area scouting out training locations! I'm always looking for recomme...

I've had so much fun exploring the greater Victoria area scouting out training locations! I'm always looking for recommendations!
I'm clearing the visual facebook space to prep for new content!
Coles notes: Silver Jet Dog weaved a cocoon, percolated, rested and healed. We are ready for the butterfly that is New View Dog Training. Holly has also recently relocated to Victoria, BC.
Victoria, I'm coming for you!

I'm a born and raised Calgarian - by my roots are from the Island. I've been living here for only a few weeks, but I've ...

I'm a born and raised Calgarian - by my roots are from the Island. I've been living here for only a few weeks, but I've never felt so much at home.
I'm clearing the visual facebook space to prep for new content!
Coles notes: Silver Jet Dog weaved a cocoon, percolated, rested and healed. We are ready for the butterfly that is New View Dog Training. Holly has also recently relocated to Victoria, BC.
Victoria, I'm coming for you!

Duke is the reason I became a dog trainer. He was one of the biggest challenges that I've ever faced in my life (right u...

Duke is the reason I became a dog trainer. He was one of the biggest challenges that I've ever faced in my life (right up there with loosing my mom when I was 29 and dating an alcoholic narcissist - but enough about that)
Every year with Duke has marked a new challenge - and this year is no different. But this time it's different. It's not the lunging, helicopter barking, people biting behaviors that literally made me puke from stress.
This time it's his body deteriorating, his mobility fading, his pain showing that fills me with so much sorrow. But despite all of this, his mind is still on point, his willingness to connect hasn't diminished, and he's always up for a new adventure. Adventures just look a little different sometimes.
So for all of you with senior dogs, stay strong! It's hard.
I'm clearing the visual space to prep for new content!
Coles notes: Silver Jet Dog weaved a cocoon, percolated, rested and healed. We are ready for the butterfly that is New View Dog Training. Holly has also recently relocated to Victoria, BC.
Victoria, I'm coming for you!

That name "New View" came to me during a late night brainstorming date with my whiteboard. At first it represented a new...

That name "New View" came to me during a late night brainstorming date with my whiteboard.
At first it represented a new view for me - new location, new family member, new view on life, new view on doing business, a new view on caring for myself
But it quickly translated into a new view for everyone I will have the pleasure to work with. A new view on dog ownership, on sharing space with a dog and on training a dog.
I'm pretty much done with the idea that 'it needs to be done a certain way, because that's how it's always been done'. I'm ready to throw that out and bring in a new view.
Who's with me?
I'm clearing the visual space to prep for new content!
Coles notes: Silver Jet Dog weaved a cocoon, percolated, rested and healed. We are ready for the butterfly that is New View Dog Training. Holly has also recently relocated to Victoria, BC.
Victoria, I'm coming for you!

This is Ember, the newest addition to our family.Ember has been a fantastic training buddy and will help shape the progr...

This is Ember, the newest addition to our family.
Ember has been a fantastic training buddy and will help shape the programs and direction of New View Dog Training.
I'm clearing the visual facebook space to prep for new content!
Coles notes: Silver Jet Dog weaved a cocoon, percolated, rested and healed. We are ready for the butterfly that is New View Dog Training. Holly has also recently relocated to Victoria, BC.
Victoria, I'm coming for you!

I'm clearing the visual facebook space to prep for some brand new content.I'll save my longer update and journey for the...

I'm clearing the visual facebook space to prep for some brand new content.
I'll save my longer update and journey for then, but the Coles notes for all who have been in contact:
Silver Jet Dog weaved a cocoon, percolated, rested and healed. We are ready for the butterfly that is New View Dog Training to emerge. The Learning, Healing and Resting will continue, more on that later!
I've also recently relocated to Victoria, BC.
Victoria, I'm coming for you!



Victoria, BC


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Our Story

We are A Pack With A Purpose.

Through years of trial and error, pawing at whispers of ideas, countless hours on the ground and more than a few well-deserved breaks for praise, we have designed our innovative Pack Class.

Pack Class is designed for working dogs with working minds, which happens to be every dog I’ve met regardless of breed, age or energy level. It is designed for the owner that wants the peace of mind knowing that their dog is learning new skills with every outing. If you value consistent handling, lifelong and continuous training with your dog, and the re-enforcement of good behaviour and skills, you’re in the right place.

We are Insured, Bonded and Certified in Pet First Aid. I’m Holly, the owner of Silver Jet Dog Inc. Silver Jet Dog has been my brainchild and a good portion of my life for the past 3 years. As SJD has grown and developed, I've gained a better understanding of myself and my purpose. Many businesses want to sell you “peace of mind”. And I hope that I can accomplish that. But even more, I want to develop a relationship with you and your dog. I want to change the way that small businesses operate, and I want to change the way that Calgary does dog walking. My goal with SJD is to create a space for every one of my clients, human and dogs alike, to grow, reflect, improve, deepen relationships, learn and practice mindfulness and awareness in their communities and their lives. I wish this for all my clients, and I practice this in every interaction.