Four Paws Pet Loss Support

Four Paws Pet Loss Support Pet bereavement support services

What a roller coaster of emotions this past two weeks!Worry: when Foxy got out overnight and wasn't home in the morning....

What a roller coaster of emotions this past two weeks!

Worry: when Foxy got out overnight and wasn't home in the morning.

Stress: when she'd been missing all day and we went to print posters and leaflets, only to discover our printer had run out of ink! Luckily we found some on next day delivery.

Guilt: when she'd been gone several days and we'd done all we could to try to find her - but wondered if we'd really done enough.

Loss & grief: when she'd been gone a week and we started preparing mentally for the worst - never knowing.

Disbelief: when she strolled in at 2.30am on day 8 and we heard her meow.

Relief: when we realised it was really her and somehow she'd made it back.

Acceptance: that we'll likely never know where she'd been or how she'd got home.

Fear: she's been shouting to be let back out since she got home but we're too scared to let her go. We know we'll have to at some point, she's never been an indoor cat during the day and she loves visiting the neighbour's cats.

I'm looking into getting her a tracker/locator tag. I think it's the only way I'll feel comfortable letting her out again.

I'm so thankful that our story had a happy ending, I know that's not the case for a lot of pet parents.

If you need a chat about the loss of a pet, whether missing or passed away, please reach out and message me. I won't try to sell you a service or anything tacky like that. I just want you to know that you're not alone.




*LOST CAT, CULLOMPTON, DEVON* - Please share if you are in the EX15 1TY or surrounding area, thank you.

Last Sunday night, my much loved cat, Foxy, went out into the garden, as she has done thousands of times before - and she didn't come back.

It's Wednesday afternoon as I'm posting this and she's been missing for two, nearly three days. I'm beside myself. We've phoned round the vets, gone to the neighbours, leafleted locally, searched the area, put worn clothing on the line for her to smell... everything we can think of doing.

But it still doesn't feel enough. And I still feel illogically guilty for letting her into the garden, even though she's always been an outdoors cat and never roamed far before or for long.

She's tagged and microchipped and we've called the local vets and put out a PetLog alert.

I'm hoping with all my heart that Foxy wanders back in soon as though nothing has happened. My worst fear is that I'll never find out where she went or what happened to her.

Grief and loss come in many forms and my heart goes out to anyone going through this or any other type of loss 😒

I will update with any news.

Rachel x

Scrolling through my (mostly animal related) Facebook posts this morning, I noticed that today is 'Rainbow Bridge Rememb...

Scrolling through my (mostly animal related) Facebook posts this morning, I noticed that today is 'Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day'.

I'm not sure who decided this, but I'm a little divided by it. Whilst it's a nice thought that we have a special day to remember our loved and lost ones, I'm sure most bereaved pet parents would agree that every day is a day to remember them.

We have landmark days like birthdays and anniversaries and memories of special times and dates already - do we need another grief trigger?

Or is it comforting to know that we're all remembering loved ones together today and that we're not alone in our grief?

What are your thoughts?

Rachel x

Tears streamed down my eight year old daughter's face. "Mummy, I'm so sad that Squeaker died," she sobbed. I held her. "...

Tears streamed down my eight year old daughter's face. "Mummy, I'm so sad that Squeaker died," she sobbed. I held her. "Darling," I said, "That was five years ago. You were three." "Yes, but I'm still sad." I held her a little tighter. "Me too," I said.

Grief doesn't have a time limit. Whether it's delayed grief, locked away or bottled up until one day something triggers the feelings; or whether it's an ongoing, relentless grief, an open wound that won't heal - it's real and it's valid.

Whether you lost your four pawed friend a week ago or a decade ago, it might still help to talk. Drop me a message any time, I'll reply as soon as I can.

Rachel x

Hi, my name is Rachel πŸ‘© and I offer a Pet Bereavement Support Service (UK and worldwide) for pet parents whose four pawe...

Hi, my name is Rachel πŸ‘© and I offer a Pet Bereavement Support Service (UK and worldwide) for pet parents whose four pawed best friends have crossed over the rainbow bridge 🌈

I'm trained and experienced in pet loss support and currently working towards a Diploma in Pet Bereavement Counselling.

I understand that your four pawed buddy was not 'just a dog' πŸ• or 'just a cat' 🐈 and that your grief is very real and valid.

To help me to qualify to help more pet parents, I'm currently offering my support services at a VERY low intoductory rate of just Β£20 GBP for a 45 minute support session over video call (usualy Β£45 GBP). If you decide to continue with support from me, my six-session package will be offered to you at a total of Β£100 GBP (usually Β£270 GBP).

I also offer all prospective clients an initial FREE 30-minute call to get to know each other and discuss your needs. No obligations, no tacky selling tactics.


Because I want to help other pet parents the way I've been helped whenever one of my best friends has passed over my many years of being a cat 🐈 or dog πŸ• parent.

Because I hate to think people are grieving alone out there due to the high cost of counseling.

And (let's be completely transparent here), the more people I can support, the more experience I get towards leveling up and helping others in the future.

So please, if you're grieving the loss of a four pawed loved one, don't feel alone, reach out to me with a message and we'll take it from there.

Much love,
Rachel 🐾





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