The Death Note anime series directed by Tetsuro Araki and based on the Manga created by Tsugumi Ohba aired from October 3rd 2006 to June 2007 and has since turned into a popular media franchise boasting a two-part live action film “Death Note” and one live action spin off “L: Change the World”. Set in modern day Japan Death Note is a dark supernatural thriller, beautifully animated and stylised wi
th chilling, almost gothic overtones. Death notes are books owned by Death Gods that have the power to kill simply by writing the intended victims name within the pages. Light Yagami , the main protagonist/ anti-hero is an extremely intelligent student; bored and unchallenged by his life and studies he yearns for the opportunity to use his incredible mind and abilities. After reading through the rules set within and following some experimentation, he discovers the god like powers he holds within his hands, the power to kill anyone. Drunk on power Light believes himself to be “The God of the new world” and under the alias KIRA passes judgement on all that he deems to be evil and anyone that stands in his way. As the death toll of known criminals rises at an incredible pace the authorities send in the mysterious “L”, a mastermind detective of extraordinary abilities to track down Kira and end his god-like reign. A psychological battle of wits endures between the two intellectual masterminds, each trying to snare and trap the other. The psychological game of cat and mouse is a thrill to watch, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats for the full 37 episodes. Just as you think everything is about to end and all looks hopeless the narrative picks you up, slaps you in the face and sends you spinning off in the opposite direction. An intensely dark narrative, incredibly well thought out plot twists, highly stylised and atmospheric animation make Death Note a real nail-biter of a series and thoroughly entertaining.