Licks, Wags and Walks

Licks, Wags and Walks Dog walking, pet sitting and animal training business in Maidstone and surrounding areas. Level 3 in

Last lot of information on fireworks driven anxiety for today. If people are interested and there are enough of you I am...

Last lot of information on fireworks driven anxiety for today.

If people are interested and there are enough of you I am happy to do an online seminar going through main coping strategies and techniques as well as preparing your dog or pet for those inevitable fireworks.

This will also include combatting the anxiety to help make your dog's lives easier through desensitisation as well as sharing experiences so owners do not feel so alone and discussing any other handy tips that they have found work with their dogs.

For those that are going through this we are all in this together and you are not alone 😊

Fireworks and Pets - Help and Advice

It is estimated that 45-55% of dogs and cats in the UK show signs of fear when they hear fireworks.

So what can you do to help your beloved pet feel less afraid and more comfortable??

It's is VERY important that your dog/cat have a safe place of their own to hide if they feel they need to, this will lessen their anxiety. Do NOT try to tempt your cat out of their safe place as this will only make them more afraid.

For Dogs, walk your dog during the daylight hours and try to keep them indoors as much as possible during the evening when fireworks are more likely to be set off.
For Cats, try to keep your cat indoors on days when fireworks are more likely - 5th Nov - Dec 31st etc.

When night falls close all windows and curtains - keep you radio/television on to muffle the sounds from outside.

Ensure your pet is in a safe secure environment so if in a state of panic they will not escape!!!

If your pet shows signs of fear or distress do NOT fuss/panic them as this will only reinforce the behaviour - defiantly do NOT punish them as this will only make the behaviour worse or develop!
Comforting them will not reinforce the behaviour and can help sooth your frightened pet.

For Dogs, you yourself as the owner should NOT react to the fireworks. Have a KONG or safe chew for your dog to enjoy, as well safe toys to play with. Play with your dog to keep them entertained and concentrated on you and fun!!

There are many herbal remedies and plug in diffusers you can speak to your vet about. They will be better qualified to advice you on the best option for your dog. Prescribed medication by the vet may also be needed for severely distressed dogs - again speak to your vet.
Rescue remedy and Thunder jackets are often used also.

One of the BEST ways to help prepare your dog is some basic sound therapy to desensitize your dog (or cat).
You can start of in the same room or from another room if needed.
Play a sound therapy cd - or even clips from YouTube/online - on a low volume at first. Slowly increase the noise level to help your pet desensitize against the sounds.
Remember - do NOT panic/punish your dog. Reward them heavily for calm behaviour - BUT also give them treats/play when the noise is playing for them to now associate the scary noises with something good. 🐢

Remember - if your dog reacts to the next volume level you can ALWAYS go back a step.

Here at Hessle Dog Training we think it is important to train and educate the pet owners as well as the pets themselves.
We want to help you ensure a safe, happy, stress free environment for your pets and you.
We are available any time for advice needed, as well as our group classes and 1-to-1 sessions.

It is completely ok to comfort your dog that is scared of fireworks. You wouldn't leave a fearful screaming toddler to f...

It is completely ok to comfort your dog that is scared of fireworks. You wouldn't leave a fearful screaming toddler to fend for themselves so why would you do that to your fur baby 😊 you cannot reinforce fear and they will not just get used to the noises, it is up to us to help them to be able to cope and make them feel comforted and secure 😊

Fear is an emotion. Emotions are involuntary responses.

Reinforcement refers to an increase in behavior. Behaviors are voluntary responses.

Fear is something you feel. Behavior is something you do.

Here's an example: In the movie JAWS, actors had to appear to be afraid of a mechanical shark. Their eyes widened, they opened their mouths, they screamed. But they weren't experiencing fear. Their brains were not releasing the neurotransmitters and hormones that prepare the body for fight or flight. They were simply acting.

Dogs, however, are not actors. They do not fake being afraid in order to get paid (attention, treats, invitation on the bed). If they are exhibiting the behaviors associated with fear, they are feeling afraid.

Don't believe me? Feel their chest and check and compare their heart rate to when you know they are relaxed. Dogs can't will their heart to beat faster just to get your attention.

Fear is an involuntary emotional reaction. For dogs, it can be triggered by fireworks, thunderstorms, veterinary exams, the behavior of other dogs, etc. Just because we can't perceive the threat doesn't mean it's not real to our dogs.

What about giving treats to a fearful dog? When we pair the presence of a scary stimulus (at a reasonable distance/intensity/duration, of course - desensitization is always important) with something the dog LOVES, we change the underlying association. The dog can learn to associate fireworks with frisbee time or vet visits with hot dogs. This is what counter conditioning is all about. Dog not taking food? Your dog is not ready to work at this level - find a way to decrease distance, intensity, or duration of exposure.

Here's another example: You're terrified of spiders. We go to a local football field. While standing at one goal line, a person with a tarantula in a glass case appears at the other goal line. You see the spider. I give you $100. The spider goes away. Now, we repeat this multiple times. At some point, when the person with the spider re-appears, you will reach out your hand, anticipating payment.

Through this process, we can change your emotional response to the presence of spiders. Spiders predict cash.

That does not make you MORE afraid of the spider.

Now, can you CONTRIBUTE to your dog's fear? Absolutely!

If you don't recognize the signs of fear - or you do and ignore them - and force your dog into a situation that he is afraid of, you can certainly contribute to their fear. Like taking a fearful dog to a dog park to "get used to" other dogs, or picking up and holding a small dog that is afraid of strangers, so that strangers can pet him/her.

If we try to pet a fearful dog who just wants to leave the situation, holding them still and forcing "soothing" massage is just adding something unpleasant to an already bad situation. Listen to your dog. If your dog is leaning against you and seeking that physical contact, then he/she may be comforted by being stroked. But if your dog is looking away, leaning away, or otherwise trying to escape your well-meaning affection, you're better off just removing him from the situation.

When we take away opportunities for our dogs to escape or avoid the things they fear, we can make things worse.

Dogs don't "get used to" scary things through repeated and forced exposure. What they get used to is that we put them in situations where avoidance doesn't work, forcing them to protect themselves. When avoidance stops working, aggression is often the only option left.

And, yes, this applies to dogs whose fear manifests as aggressive behavior just as much as for dogs who cower and hide. Fear is the emotion behind the behavior. Change the emotion and the behavior will change, too.

If someone tells you that comforting your dog will reward their fear, replace the word "fear" with another emotion and ask yourself if it still makes sense. For example, "giving a dog treats just reinforces his frustration," or "petting your dog reinforces his disgust." Does that make sense? Like fear, frustration and disgust are feelings. No one can will themselves to be disgusted. If we could, diets would be SO much easier!

Can you teach a dog to be afraid of something? Of course. You can create a negative association by pairing a neutral stimulus with an aversive. This was first shown in 1920 with the Little Albert study.

This is why knowledgeable trainers don't recommend using aversives. Over 100 years of scientific research into learning has shown that you can create negative associations.

So, unless the form of comfort you give to your dog is AVERSIVE (something he wants to escape or avoid) to your dog, you aren't going to create a negative association.

And yet, there are those who insist your response will "prove to the dog" there's something to fear. The only way you can know what the dog is learning, either by association or consequence, is the dog's behavior. Everything else falls in the mind-reading category.

While it is a longstanding and much-repeated belief in the training world (and there are so very many of them), it doesn't hold up to what science tells us about learning and behavior.

UPDATE: Some people have mistaken this post for a "How-To" for fearful behavior or that this is suggested as an alternative to counterconditioning and desensitization. This is solely to address one dog training superstition, not a guide for how to help your dog overcome fear.


Β©2015 Lisa Mullinax. All rights reserved. These images are free to share on FaceBook via the β€œShare” link. Downloading for redistribution in any form is strictly prohibited.

With an increasing amount of people worried about their animals during fireworks here are some introductory brief handy ...

With an increasing amount of people worried about their animals during fireworks here are some introductory brief handy general tips that can work to keep your pet safe.

πŸ”₯ Upcoming Bonfire Night πŸ”₯ Animal Safety Tips! πŸ’₯

Bring your pets indoors for the upcoming nights.. πŸŒ™

🐾 Do not go dog walking after 2pm!
Stick to early morning & early daytime walking..

-Some fearful dogs are great flight risks.. if they bolt, they often continue to run away from the scary sounds (we know firework noises travel great distances so the dog may run extreme distances in an attempt to escape the scary noise!)
-If your dogs falls into a severe fear category it is worth providing indoor mental enrichment instead; stay safe indoors guys.

Please read, LIKE & SHARE!
.Sarah MSc Dog Training & Behaviour πŸ’™ πŸ’œ
Great image by GJW Titmuss

My apologies again for being so quiet on this page, with so many things going on out if the ordinary it knocks lots of t...

My apologies again for being so quiet on this page, with so many things going on out if the ordinary it knocks lots of things all around the place. The important thing is to keep supporting one another, motivating each other and most of all have fun with our animals while lots of us have so much time off of work!! 😁

A few things I have going on which are really exciting! I am working with Amy Walters of Amy Walters Designs to bring a brand image to the business, including a logo, advertising and getting my website up and running! It's all already looking fabulous thanks to her hard work and dedication 😊

I've been studying much harder for my degree to be ready to go into my third year, feeling much more motivated it's time to crack this course out and show everyone what I can really do! ❀

Lots more enrichment and training videos are upcoming, seeing as I have so much time I may as well make the most of it! Due to not yet owning a dog Rupert the rabbit will be doing the demonstrations as best he can!

Once this virus is over with I will be able to do many more demonstrations with dogs which will be super fun and exciting for both me and everyone following this page!

I hope you all stay in good spirits and I am still available for free online consultations, as well as dog walking for vulnerable people and frontline workers! Any questions or interested? Just drop me a message! 🐾🐢



Please check it out 😊


In regards to last night's announcement. I am still running the business online especially for consultations, behavioural assessments and dog walking for frontline and essential workers only!

All health and safety precautions are being adhered to and I would love to carry on hearing from you all that would like help, support and guidance.


So as promised here are a few ideas for enrichment and mental stimulation along with Rupert doing some lovely demonstrations!

The first video is of an egg carton swing πŸ˜‚ there are so many ways anything like old cardboard, toilet roll rubes or cartons can be used as enrichment, this just being one way upon hundreds! The idea is that he has to go up on his hind legs and snuffle through the hay to find the treats inside.

The second video is of a brown paper bag filled with goodies amongst the hay to encourage Rupert to open it anyway he can, whether this means chucking it around or simply biting a hole in it! He certainly has lots of fun with it for sure 😊

The third video is of a problem solving game that I bought from pets at home, with three settings but he is only demonstrating one in this video. The good thing with this is that it can be used over and over again and is unlikely to wear away nor can Rupert bite a hole in it. However he mastered all the settings very quickly which meant it was too easy for him therefore I don't use it very often but he still has fun when I do!

With enrichment the main purpose is to engage the problem solving and/or foraging part of the animal's brain to get them to work for their food. Something as simple as scattering their food instead of putting it into a bowl every time can really keep their brains engaged. It's like a mini treasure hunt!

They may need encouragement and guidance to succeed as they might not be used to it and can give up before they get the food if it's too difficult for them so try to balance the difficulty level. This is very similar for all animals!

Please research which materials are good to use for your own makeshift enrichment.
Recyclable materials are usually a good way to go. I use plastic bottles and milk cartons with dogs and maybe cats but I do not use them with small mammals as they are more at risk of ingesting the plastic and this can lead to death in extreme circumstances.

Animals should be supervised when given enrichment to ensure they do not hurt themselves with it or if something goes wrong then it can be dealt with straight away. Certain forms of enrichment are fine for the animal to be left alone with but again it's generally recommended that they are supervised while using enrichment. πŸ˜ŠπŸΎπŸ‡

Sorry for being silent the last few days, lots of things going on and all the panic of Covid! In light of this event I w...

Sorry for being silent the last few days, lots of things going on and all the panic of Covid! In light of this event I will be offering free online initial consultations and behavioural consultations! This is for all those that are vulnerable or worried about direct contact visits or are exhibiting symptoms of the virus.

Otherwise business remains as usual, I can still travel to client's houses if people would like so long as no one in the household is exhibiting symptoms.

If lock down happens, I will offer as much as I can online including online web chatting, messaging and viewing behavioural videos as part of a behavioural consultation.

Keep watch on this page for enrichment and mental stimulation games and activities for your animals. Especially if you can't go out to walk your dog, how are you supposed to keep them entertained when they can't go on their walkies!!! Find out over the next few days 😊

Please remember to be kind and helpful to everyone at this difficult time! 😊🐾

The last one of my 4 main services is transportation!Having a hard time finding taxis that will take you and you pet? Wh...

The last one of my 4 main services is transportation!

Having a hard time finding taxis that will take you and you pet? Whether this be for a day trip out or a simple vet appointment, I will take you wherever you need to go! The only cost is mileage fees!

5 years experience driving so I am very confident behind the wheel and have lots of experience driving for hours at a time. Wherever you need to go I will do my best to accommodate 😊

Book a consultation with me if you would like a safe and reliable mode of transport! πŸΎπŸš—

Pic of Rupert just because!


Animal training services!

This again is for any animal! I mainly specialise with canines needing behavioural modification but I can cover a wide range of training needs.

This can be from basic obedience training or trick training to reactiveness towards humans or other animals or just simple toileting issues.

Unfortunately I am currently not holding any training classes but in the near future this will definitely be something that is going to be introduced to the business! 😊

I have contacts to help with any socialisation needs especially for puppies and this will be done on a 1:1 training session. I strictly only promote positive reinforcement and games for training. This does not mean your animal has to be food orientated in order to benefit from positive reinforcement. It means to find whatever best engages your dog for focus and attention and using that to our advantage in order to guide the dog on the path of making the right choices and having fun while doing so!

Prices will be discussed during the consultation session as this can vary greatly between individuals due to training needed and length of the session. Mileage fees may apply depending on your location and all new clients looking to book in my services must have a consultation beforehand 😊🐾

So because I forgot to post yesterday I will do two posts tonight. Another main service I provide is pet sit ins and che...

So because I forgot to post yesterday I will do two posts tonight. Another main service I provide is pet sit ins and check ins.

This is for ANY animal that is considered a pet that needs looking after while you (the owner) are out of the house. Sit ins are great for pets that may be prone to separation anxiety and therefore a short visit would just not cut it!

Family emergency? Then just call me! If I'm free I will gladly help out if possible! During sit ins I will do whatever is applicable for the needs of that pet whether that be dogs (letting them out for toilet, feeding, playing, enrichment and possibly walking), or cats (feeding, playing, cuddling, letting out if applicable) or any other pet that would need longer than a 15-30 minute check up.

Check ins are perfect for those who maybe are only out for a short period of time and would just like someone to go to ensure their animal is safe and content. For instance those that have a new puppy or even if you just want me to go in to pop some food and water down for your beloved companion I am happy to do so.

With all sittings and check ins, a health check will be done during my session at least once and any needs applicable will be done which shall be discussed during the consultation.

Prices for sit ins are Β£10 per hour or a 6 block hour for Β£40. Overnight stays are Β£40 for 12 hours. 15 min check in is Β£5, 30 min check in is Β£10. Mileage fees may apply depending on your location.

Daily post time! So from some feedback it seems clients have been slightly confused about what I offer or what my servic...

Daily post time! So from some feedback it seems clients have been slightly confused about what I offer or what my services entail so I thought I should go into some more detail about what each service entails for the next few days. Today will be about dog walking!

This service is for those who might be out at work all day or simply out all day and cannot take their pooch with them. This provides the perfect opportunity for your dog's day to be broken up so they are not alone for too many hours at a time.

Training will be provided on all dog walks, and all walks will currently be in public places at prediscussed destinations. Off lead will only happen after a minimum of 3 walk sessions and when I am confident the dog will reliably recall to me. Otherwise a long lead will be used for safety instead of off lead. Off lead/ long leads will only be used in quiet places and never beside a road.

Currently I am not offering group dog walks from different households, however if the dogs are from the same household I will walk them at the same time at a discounted rate per dog. Only 4 dogs maximum are walked at any single session.

Puppy walk sessions are restricted to 20 mins exercise time per session for their health welfare. If you still wish for an hour session the rest of the time will be filled with enrichment games and activities to stimulate their minds and hopefully tire them for once I leave until you return home.

Before and after walks the dog will be health checked and you will receive regular updates throughout the session however you would like. I use my own equipment including collars and leads however if you own a suitable harness I may ask to walk the dog with this instead of a collar. I strictly DO NOT use corrective equipment which are designed to inflict discomfort or pain on the dog, they are not necessary during my dog walks.

All new clients must have a consultation first before I take any bookings. This is so that we can agree upon the needs of yourselves and that of your dog to ensure everyone is safe, understanding and happy moving forward with the booking process.
Photo credit: Beth Watson


Was at a bit of a crossroads as to what to post about tonight. There are just so many things I would like to talk about but I never know which to start with. So I had a little look through the videos on my phone and came across this one of me doing basic trick training with Rupert.

In this clip, on the verbal cue 'round' Rupert goes round my leg in order to get a treat. When talking about finalising a trick this can be one of a few end results that you hope to achieve when teaching your pet something new. A trick or behaviour needs to be finalised in order to ensure they do it on cue and not exhibiting the behaviour all the time in the hopes that they will be rewarded for doing so.

Training techniques will vary between each species and each individual of that species however all can be trained with positive reinforcement, no punishment is needed as this breaks the special bond or partnership you are trying to establish or maintain with your animal.

I make sure to reward and praise Rupert as much as I can when he is exhibiting behaviours that I want from him whether that be settling, recalling or leaving things alone when asked. Setting them up to succeed and showing them what we want from them will help support the bond and make it stronger as they will associate you with positivite things.

For instance you would love going to grandma's house because she gives you a cookie every time, eventually you enjoy going there whether you get a cookie or not as you have built up positive memories from being there and receiving the food. However you wouldn't like the horrible neighbour that shouts at you every time you pass their house, making you feel anxious and frustrated because you don't know what you've done wrong so you try to avoid that person/ situation.

This is a similar concept with animals, they will always been more drawn to someone that they associate with positive experiences as supposed to someone that inflicts discomfort or heaven forbid pain on these poor innocent creatures. Please keep loving your animals and each other, reach out if you need help, or even help those in need.

I wouldn't change my little best friend for the world πŸ˜πŸΎπŸ‡


Woohoo!! 100 likes everyone we did it!! That's incredible ❀😱 truly thankful for everyone's support, love and encouragement 😊 Rupert can hardly contain his excitement πŸ°πŸ‡ Such an exciting milestone 😊 onwards and upwards 🐢🐾

Fantastic news! We have reached 91 likes already!! 😱😁 let's see if we can get it to 100 today! 😊 Lola is waiting anxious...

Fantastic news! We have reached 91 likes already!! 😱😁 let's see if we can get it to 100 today! 😊 Lola is waiting anxiously to see if we can reach our goal! 😍❀❀

Tonight I thought I should chat a little bit about the services that I offer with this business!Pet sitting:Going on hol...

Tonight I thought I should chat a little bit about the services that I offer with this business!

Pet sitting:
Going on holiday, wanting a night out, out working or just another friendly face to spend time with your companion. Then these sit in sessions would be a great choice. Β£10 hourly or a block session of 6 hours for Β£40 during the day and Β£40 for a 12 hour overnight stay at your house. No moving the animal from the safety and comfort of your own home, no extra stresses!

Animal training:
This includes any animal that is a companion animal and price varies between training required, species and length of session. All sessions will be carried out as effectively as possible and to the needs of the animal. Prices start from Β£10.

Dog walking:
From puppies to geriatric experience, your pooches would be in safe hands. Puppies will be limited to 20 minutes for a walk and the rest of the time will be filled with mental stimulation including enrichment activities. Β£10 an hour with a multi-dog household discount of Β£5 per additional dog up to 4 dogs! Pet sits and walks can be combined!

Need to get to the vets but the taxis won't accept pets? Want to go to the beach for the day but your dog isn't comfortable on a train? Any other places to go with your pet then I can help! Only mileage fees apply and I will take you home too at a pre-arranged time.

Check in:
Don't have an animal that needs walking but still want someone to check up during the day? Or in the evening before midnight? Then I can check on your companion during a check in session, this can be Β£5 for 15 mins or Β£10 for 30 mins. This can include but not limited to letting out into the garden for toilet, changing litter trays, filling up food and water, health checks and playing.

These are only the main services, for any other enquiries please send a message or call and I can do my best to accommodate. All services need a consultation and all prices will be subject to change and do not include mileage fees. Remember booking consultations are free until the end of the month!

Rupert reckons he could give some of those dogs on Crufts a run for their money! πŸ˜‰ Did you know the same principles of t...

Rupert reckons he could give some of those dogs on Crufts a run for their money! πŸ˜‰ Did you know the same principles of training can be used on all species of animals?!

Positive reinforcement is amazing and does wonders to build a bond between the owner and their beloved animal. This is why I do what I do, to build relationships and trust ultimately spreading positivity and happiness!

To book a consultation, please send a message, call or email. Consultation booking are free until the end of the month! 😁😊

Continuing on with showing the fabulous animals in my life, tonight's post is dedicated to the lovely Rou. Rou was rescu...

Continuing on with showing the fabulous animals in my life, tonight's post is dedicated to the lovely Rou. Rou was rescued from Cats Protection and has certainly been living the life of luxury! Spoilt is an understatement, from electronic toys to her automatic feeder and her three tier cat platform scratch posts! Her daddy could not love her anymore if he tried.

My services would ensure that your cat was well looked after the way they should be! Truly spoilt and given the best care. Please call, text or email with any questions or interest in booking a consultation, free until the end of the month! Get booking!! Photo credit: Beth Watson

Time for another annoying post from a crazy dog lady that not many people know much about! πŸ˜‚ I like to think of myself a...

Time for another annoying post from a crazy dog lady that not many people know much about! πŸ˜‚ I like to think of myself as a dedicated animal lover and therefore I would like to spread some of that love by introducing you all to the wonderful animals that are in my life already!

Today's post is about Lola, this massive cuddle bug will do practically anything for a snuggle, not that I'm complaining! She falls into the hearts of everyone she meets, going through life without a care in the world and given all the love and attention she deserves. Such a wonderful, georgous princess 😍❀ photo credit pic 1: Beth Watson

Hello everyone! Trying to do a post a day to get everyone as excited about this business as I am!! So for those of you t...

Hello everyone! Trying to do a post a day to get everyone as excited about this business as I am!! So for those of you that are looking at this page and wondering who on earth I am I thought I better introduce myself!

My name is Emily, lived in Maidstone all my life apart from studying at uni in Hull for a couple of years and I have wanted to work with animals since I can remember. Every animal is important to me and I want to do my best to dedicate my life to helping all those in need including animals and children.

The little light in my life that sparked this business off is my rabbit, Rupert. He brings joy to everyone he meets and although mischievous and a right character, he is funny, intelligent and one of my best friends, I wouldn't change him for the world!

Since he brings so much joy to myself and everyone that meets him I thought why not introduce him to the world! This gives me the opportunity to share with you my many many cute photos and videos of this little bundle of happiness as well as showing off his intelligence and shine some positivity in all this doom and gloom online and on the news.

A massive thank you again to all those that have started to spread the word of this business, me and Rupert can't thank you enough, this truly is my dream!


Thank you to everyone that has liked and followed this page so far and even more so those that have shared!

Please go and tell all your doggy pals and animal lovers no matter where you live, I'm planning on doing travel trips and visits so the further this page spreads the better and the more trips I can do!!

If you don't see any services that take your fancy on my page then please text, call or email to enquire about any animal services you would like to receive and I will do my best to accommodate.

All consultations at the moment are free!! A chance to meet me in person if you haven't done so before, and seeing how my services can help you and your beloved pet. Please email, text or call for any details of information or booking in a consultation!


Very exciting! Starting the official set up of my dog walking, animal training, pet sitting business! Covering Maidstone and surrounding areas and promoting positive reinforcement training. Please call or text for any interest. Very flexible and great opening rates! All new clients must have a consultation before booking walking, sit in or training sessions.





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