Sharone Villaret - animal osteopath

Sharone Villaret - animal osteopath After 5 years of study at ESAO in France - OA423 - I offer animal osteopathy consultations

Care for Charli under the watchful eye of her best friend, who makes sure everything goes smoothly 😂🙏🏻🐕🦜

Care for Charli under the watchful eye of her best friend, who makes sure everything goes smoothly 😂🙏🏻🐕🦜

Kaya sets the example for great rest and relaxation after the session! 🥹❤️

Kaya sets the example for great rest and relaxation after the session! 🥹❤️


Clinical case of Clarinha, a 9-year-old Whippet:
With no apparent clinical signs, Clarinha was out for a walk with her owners when she fell to the ground and was unable to get up. The next day, only her head could move.
They rushed Clarinha to the vet, who examined her and found clinical signs of tetraplegia with C4/C5 and C5/C6 subluxation, L7/S1 disc protusion and L7/S1 anterolisthesis and fibrocartilage embolism.

The protocol advised by the vet was not surgical for her case but physiotherapy and re-education.
1 week after the first signs, I saw Clarinha for her first consultation, after which she also started hydrotherapy rehabilitation.
The first improvements appeared after 24 to 48 hours 🙏🏻
We're continuing until Clarinha can once again enjoy running along the water with her owners as normal ✨🙏🏻🌞

Relieving their pain with osteopathy ✨🙏🏻               🇫🇷 L’importance d’un dos élastique pour le cheval : Comment l’ost...

Relieving their pain with osteopathy ✨🙏🏻

🇫🇷 L’importance d’un dos élastique pour le cheval : Comment l’ostéopathie peut aider

Le dos d’un cheval est essentiel pour sa santé, son bien-être et ses performances. Un dos élastique permet une mobilité optimale, une bonne transmission des aides du cavalier, et contribue à la prévention des blessures. Cependant, de nombreux chevaux souffrent de tensions et d’un manque de mobilité qui compromettent leur flexibilité dorsale.

Compression SSB du crâne au Sacrum : Une source de douleur

La compression SSB du crâne au sacrum peut entraîner une série de problèmes pour le cheval. Cette compression peut résulter de tensions musculaires, de déséquilibres posturaux ou de traumatismes. Les conséquences vont au-delà de la simple douleur : elles peuvent affecter la locomotion, la performance athlétique et le bien-être général du cheval. Les signes de douleur incluent des réactions vives à la pression de nuque, une flexion de la nuque, des tensions dans la bouche, un cheval qui à des difficultés pour fléchir son dos, étendre son encolure, une raideur du dos, des difficultés à engager les postérieurs et des réactions négatives lors du sellage ou de la manipulation de la zone dorsale.

L’ostéopathie offre une approche holistique pour traiter le cheval. Les ostéopathes équins sont formés pour détecter les déséquilibres structurels et fonctionnels du corps du cheval. En utilisant des techniques manuelles douces et précises, ils travaillent à restaurer l’élasticité du dos en relâchant les tensions et permettant de retrouver une grande mobilité générale.

🐈 Remember to contact your osteopath regularly for a check-up! - Annual check-up - Difficulty jumping on a table or piec...

🐈 Remember to contact your osteopath regularly for a check-up!

- Annual check-up
- Difficulty jumping on a table or piece of furniture ...
- Unusual meowing
- Post-operation (caesarean scar, sterilisation)
- Lameness

Your osteopath can help!
Have a good weekend ✨☀️

🐈‍⬛Não se esqueça de contactar regularmente o seu osteopata para um check-up do seu gato!

- Controlo anual
- Dificuldade em saltar para cima de uma mesa, de um móvel, etc.
- Miau invulgar
- pós-operatório (cicatriz de cesariana, esterilização)
- Coxeio

O seu osteopata pode ajudar!
Bom fim de semana ✨☀️

🐱Pensez à contacter régulièrement votre ostéopathe pour un bilan pour votre chat !

• Check up annuel
• Difficultés pour sauté sur une table, un meuble …
• Miaulement inhabituel
• post-opératoire (cicatrice de césarienne, stérilisation)
• boiterie

Votre ostéopathe peut l’aider !
Bon week-end à tous ✨☀️

🐎 Osteopathic techniques applied to horses aim to relieve pain by restoring balance and mobility to anatomical structure...

🐎 Osteopathic techniques applied to horses aim to relieve pain by restoring balance and mobility to anatomical structures. For example, cranial treatment can help release tensions in the head and neck, which can relieve headaches and muscle tension. Similarly, iliac manipulation aims to correct imbalances and restrictions in the pelvic region, which can relieve pain related to posture, locomotion, or muscle tension in that area. In summary, these osteopathic techniques help restore normal function in the horse’s body, which can alleviate pain associated with various conditions. ✨🐴

🐶🐾🍫💝 Happy Easter everyone!  While enjoying chocolate treats during this festive time, it’s important to remember that c...

🐶🐾🍫💝 Happy Easter everyone!

While enjoying chocolate treats during this festive time, it’s important to remember that chocolate can be highly toxic to our pets due to the presence of theobromine and caffeine. These substances can lead to serious health issues in dogs and cats, including gastrointestinal problems, cardiac issues, and even death in severe cases. It’s crucial to keep chocolate out of reach of our furry friends and to be vigilant for signs of poisoning such as vomiting, diarrhea, restlessness, rapid heart rate, and seizures. Let’s indulge in moderation and prioritize the safety and health of our pets during Easter celebrations! ✨🐾🍫


✨ Animal osteopathy has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering a holistic approach to improving animal we...

✨ Animal osteopathy has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering a holistic approach to improving animal well-being. One area where it shows promising results is in the care of growing puppies. Here’s an overview of the positive impact osteopathic care can have on these young four-legged companions. ⬆️ 🐶🐾

Feel free to call your osteopath for your pet 🙏🏻

🐾 A Day with Your Four-Legged Friend: Canine Osteopathy Session 🐾You might have noticed that your beloved canine compani...

🐾 A Day with Your Four-Legged Friend: Canine Osteopathy Session 🐾

You might have noticed that your beloved canine companion seems less agile or experiences joint pain. That’s where osteopathy comes in, a holistic approach that can offer incredible relief to our furry friends! Here’s how a typical session unfolds:

1. Dynamic Assessment: The osteopath observes your dog’s natural movement to identify imbalances and areas of tension.

2. Palpation Assessment: Using expert hands, the osteopath gently explores the joints, muscles, and tissues to detect restrictions and dysfunctions.

3. Treatment: Using gentle, non-invasive techniques, the osteopath works to restore balance and mobility in your dog’s body. This may involve joint manipulations, gentle stretching, and tissue release techniques.

Now, let’s talk about dysplasia, a common condition in dogs, especially in the hips and elbows. Dysplasia is characterized by abnormal joint development, leading to poor congruence and premature wear. This can cause pain and decreased mobility in our four-legged friends.

That’s where osteopathy comes in! By working to restore joint balance and functionality, the osteopath can help alleviate pain, improve mobility, and promote a better quality of life for dogs with dysplasia.

Give your loyal companion the gift of well-being with an osteopathy session. Your dog will thank you with joyful barks and wagging tails! 🐶💕

🐾 Did you know that our four-legged friends can benefit from osteopathy as much as we do? 🐶💆‍♂️ As an animal osteopath, ...

🐾 Did you know that our four-legged friends can benefit from osteopathy as much as we do? 🐶💆‍♂️ As an animal osteopath, I work delicately to relieve tensions and improve the well-being of your furry companions. 🌟 If your pet shows signs of stiffness, pain, or unusual behavior, feel free to contact me for a consultation. Their health and happiness are my priority!


🐾 Sabia que nossos amigos de quatro patas podem se beneficiar da osteopatia tanto quanto nós? 🐶💆‍♂️ Como osteopata animal, trabalho com delicadeza para aliviar as tensões e melhorar o bem-estar dos seus companheiros peludos. 🌟 Se o seu animal mostrar sinais de rigidez, dor ou comportamento incomum, não hesite em me contatar para uma consulta. A saúde e a felicidade deles são minha prioridade!

🌿 🇵🇹

Sharone Villaret - animal Osteopath

🐾 Is Your Dog Truly in Top Shape? 🐾Did you know that your furry friend’s digestive system can reflect their overall heal...

🐾 Is Your Dog Truly in Top Shape? 🐾

Did you know that your furry friend’s digestive system can reflect their overall health? Digestive issues, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea should not be taken lightly. 🚫

Animal osteopathy offers a gentle and effective solution to relieve your dog and enhance their overall well-being. A specialized animal osteopath can help restore balance to your dog’s digestive system, thus improving nutrient absorption and increasing vital energy. 💪

👉 Friendly advice: Don’t wait for the symptoms to worsen. An osteopathic check-up can prevent numerous disorders and improve your dog’s quality of life.

If your companion has shown signs of discomfort, or if you’ve noticed changes in their eating habits or digestion, it might be time to consider osteopathy.

📞 Take the first step towards your dog’s well-being by contacting an animal osteopath today. Your four-legged friend will thank you!

Happy Christmas 🎄✨

Happy Christmas 🎄✨

Active stable in Portugal at Quinta de Lourel, Sintra, boarding and accommodation for horses with meadows, paddocks, integration boxes, a career, a lunging ring, walks, the horses live in a herd in a high-rise stable all-electronic ranges for their autonomy close to Lisbon and Cascais.

Animal osteopath             ➡️📱

Animal osteopath ➡️📱

5.0 ★ · Ostéopathe

Winter is coming - a little care to help the body - better breathing - help with mechanical respiratory problems 🙏🏻 and ...

Winter is coming - a little care to help the body - better breathing - help with mechanical respiratory problems 🙏🏻 and in addition to osteopathic care, food supplements recommended by the vet to help horses with coughs!

Back from this great event, thanks to Horse Economic Forum for the invitation to Alter do Chão to the international cong...

Back from this great event, thanks to Horse Economic Forum for the invitation to Alter do Chão to the international congress on the horse economy in Portugal!
Lots of nice meetings and nice projects for the future around horses!
Health, performance, well-being, breeding, applications, competitions, horse and rider, dressage, innovations ...
Horse Economic Forum Coudelaria Barreira Matos Coudelaria De Alter Do Chao Alter Real

In a few days Horse Economic Forum in Portugal will open its doors for the international congress on the health, well-be...

In a few days Horse Economic Forum in Portugal will open its doors for the international congress on the health, well-being and performance of the horse athlete.
The objective is to provide a maximum of advice for the well-being of horses in their daily lives and also the performance of the sport horse. The aim is to understand how to adapt a healthy lifestyle for their physical and mental well-being while continuing to perform in competition.

Location: Alter do Chão
Speaker on May 20th, I will be present throughout the event if you wish to exchange.

Sharone Villaret Animal Osteopath

In a few days Horse Economic Forum in Portugal will open its doors for the international congress on the health, well-be...

In a few days Horse Economic Forum in Portugal will open its doors for the international congress on the health, well-being and performance of the horse athlete.
The objective is to provide a maximum of advice for the well-being of horses in their daily lives and also the performance of the sport horse. The aim is to understand how to adapt a healthy lifestyle for their physical and mental well-being while continuing to perform in competition.

Location: Alter do Chão
Speaker on May 20th, I will be present throughout the event if you wish to exchange.

Sharone villaret Animal Osteopath

A Conferência internacional Horse Economic Forum (HEF) junta dezenas de oradores em Alter do Chão. - Edição online da revista Equitação incluindo notícias, reportagens e artigos relativos ao mundo equestre. O portal constitui um espaço privilegiado para todos os entusiastas da equitação re...

Take care of them they deserve it 😉.          • osteopathy •               ✨

Take care of them they deserve it 😉. • osteopathy • ✨

Discussion ongoing 🖤    horses need contact with other horses to feel good 😉

Discussion ongoing 🖤 horses need contact with other horses to feel good 😉

C a t s       "The care is for all the little four-legged ones 🐾, including the mother and the newborns, for the mother'...

C a t s
"The care is for all the little four-legged ones 🐾, including the mother and the newborns, for the mother's good recovery and also for the good growth of the little ones!"

Animal osteopathy for older horses helps for optimal comfort and also for young growing horses!

Animal osteopathy for older horses helps for optimal comfort and also for young growing horses!

Dog pathology:  Alopecia is an abnormal hair loss in dogs. It can be caused by many reasons, including poor nutrition, a...

Dog pathology:
Alopecia is an abnormal hair loss in dogs. It can be caused by many reasons, including poor nutrition, allergies, infection, or hormonal imbalance. Long-haired dogs that are shaved can also suffer from alopecia, as the cut can damage hair follicles.

When hair follicles are damaged, hair may not regrow or grow more slowly. This can create bald or thinning areas on the dog's coat. In most cases, alopecia is not painful for the dog and can be treated with dietary changes, supplements, or medication.

However, it is important to consult a veterinarian if you notice excessive hair loss in your dog. The vet can determine the cause of alopecia and recommend appropriate treatment. 🛑Do not shear long-haired dogs! They need it! L'alopécie est une perte de poils anormale chez les chiens. Elle peut être causée par de nombreuses raisons, y compris une mauvaise alimentation, une allergie, une infection ou un déséquilibre hormonal. Les chiens à poils longs qui sont tondus peuvent également souffrir d'alopécie, car la coupe peut endommager les follicules pileux.

Lorsque les follicules pileux sont endommagés, les poils peuvent ne pas repousser ou pousser plus lentement. Cela peut créer des zones chauves ou clairsemées sur le pelage du chien. Le traitement de l’alopécie est important pour aider à la repousse du poil, éviter les problèmes de peau plus grave. Des traitements peuvent aider votre animal. Voici un avant après avec des soins adaptés. Il est important de consulter un vétérinaire si vous remarquez une perte de poils excessive chez votre chien. Le vétérinaire pourra déterminer la cause de l'alopécie et recommander un traitement approprié.







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