We hope you will mark your calendar for our open farm during the National Alpaca Farm Days on September 23 and 24 at 6701 W. Gillespie Bridge Road from 9:00 am till 3:00 pm each day. There will be alpacas to meet and treat, and of course we'll be around to answer your questions about our animals and their luscious fiber.
We'll have a kids' tent where the young and young at heart can enjoy alpaca-themed crafts. In addition, this is your chance to get first dibbs on beautiful and functional alpaca products for your fall and holiday shopping at our Best-of-Columbia farm store! Please note that masks that cover the nose and mouth will be required in our store.
Hope to see you --call us at 573-864-2716 or go to https://www.curlyeye.com/blog/national-alpaca-farm-days-at-curly-eye if you need directions! (Note that the GPS services don't always get you to the correct location.)