Loving Touch Horse Training /Rescue

Loving Touch Horse Training /Rescue Help for rehoming unwanted horses, beginner riding lessons birthday parties

Everything Horse Training Related , Affordable Horse Training, Mustang Training , Halter Training, Trail trial training helps with bonding, or just go riding for the day..

this needs to be said!! you don’t have to have a $3,000 saddle, $400 saddle pad, $300 boots, $700 tack set, and $1,000 o...

this needs to be said!!

you don’t have to have a $3,000 saddle, $400 saddle pad, $300 boots, $700 tack set, and $1,000 outfits to win
you don’t been to have a $200,000 rig to win
you don’t need all those expensive bits that just sit in your trailer.
you don’t need all that stuff!! you need good horsemanship and time and patients
your horse could be bottom of the 4D right now and next year top of the 2D!
it’s how much you work!!
that 1% each day!! and soon enough u will get to that goal u wanted ti be at seance you where a little girl/boy you need to remember that all these people showing up in a rusted out two horse with a cheap saddle and cheaper set up dosent mean that they won’t go out there and win the thing!!
we need to be more supportive at shows barrel racers!!
this is why we have a bad name
we make fun or point and laught at the ones that can’t afford all this nice tack!!
your better then them, you work with what u have and they just send there horses places!
you work for your place on the leader bored, you wanna be that person that everyone made fun of and is now top of the class!
you don’t wanna be that girl when your being laughed at because those people make u feel like crap and it feels like it will never get better
i promise IT WILL get better!! you will get that new personal best at the next show
you will win the top of your class
always think “i will” because if your thinking “oh she’s horses i won’t place” that’s not the additude u wanna have!!
you want then there so they can see u beat there personal best and win that buckle!!

Ok I'm going to answer the questions I was asked..  on a video I shared yesterday .. how do I know she was going to be p...

Ok I'm going to answer the questions I was asked.. on a video I shared yesterday .. how do I know she was going to be put down..weill I don't know 100% but that is what I was told by the guy at the facility where i got her I was told that another one of her hurd mates was shot for destroying property and causing trouble.. so I only know what I was told.. but that helped influence me into taking her.. then second to the person that said that my horse was shut down.. you are wrong .. a shout down horse dose not move at all they have a blank look on there face this mare was thinking watch her ear closest to me it is turned toward me moving back and forth .. and a little info when a horse licks and chews it's because they got a shot of dopamine.. Their brains work off two adrenaline and dopamine Adrenaline gives them the High Head and makes it so the horse can excape danger the dopamine makes them relax and bring there head down and gives them that feels good feeling..every time they lick and chew, it's because they got a shot of dopamine. This horse that was in my video yesterday Oracle was far from being shut down.. next I do not invite people to watch me do my thing for them to put me down on how I train . Everyone trains differently . I do what works for the horse I am working with , every horse is different and not every thing will work for each individual horse.. so you have to adapt to the horse and if you do not then there will be holes in there training and that's usually the horses that get sent to me .. my videos are to show everyone that is interested what I do and what I can do for there horse if they want me to train for them.. I have nothing to hide.. I show everything. I video every training session I do with every horse... It's people like you that probably never trained a difficult wild horse before. It's people like you that mess theses beautiful horses up because you really have no clue as to what it takes to get these horses to trust... And last if you really knew me . You would not be talking s**t about me.. I put the horses first. I give them the chance to say no. And I keep giving them that right .. I feel you can't have a great horse and partner for life if you do not let them lead the way in the training.. every person I have trained for has nothing but good stuff to say about how I thought there horses.. yesterday was a very windy day that's the reason I chose to bring out the tarp and work with Oracle.. I build horses up I teach them to handle there fears in scarry situations, and if the horse needs to excap the pressure I give them the rite to do it . I give them choices and I respect them .. so if your riding your horse it knows to look to you for comfort and it will trust you and know that you will not lead it to it's death.. The last thing I want to address is the Statement on Rescueing.. I have Rescued many horses through our my life time .. I took them from bad situations. I rehabilitated them , I got them vet treatment , I trimmed there feet because no one else would do it, I have lost a few that there was nothing I ir the vets could do to save them so I gave them food loved on them and held there head in my lap as they passed on and crossed the rainbow bridge.., i train these horses for different reasons, like they was to dangerous to handle and or the owner did not know how to deal with it.. and not every horse i Rescued is in bad shape sometimes there owners die and the family just can't keep the horse. It really upsets me how people like to start trouble and put others down with out truly knowing the person .. come on people we need to be better then that .. we need to build each other up not go out of our way to put each other down ..

Good morning I want to start by saying this please read my full post and comment.. I am only one person and I am trying ...

Good morning I want to start by saying this please read my full post and comment.. I am only one person and I am trying to make a difference in the lives of horses and the people that love them.. so please no put downs if you do not have something nice to say just move on stop causing problems for a person that's doing everything she can to do good in this world .. ok here's my post sorry it's so long . Yes I Rescue horses, donkeys, mules or any other animal and people if need be if 8 have something and it will help I'm the girl that will be there.. I go with out at times .. and yes at times I ask people for things to help me out but I only ask for stuff that someone is going to throw away any ways so why is that such a bad thing ? If your going to throw it away because you have no use for something why is it so bad that 8 ask if 8 can take it and make use of it.. after all you do t want it.. one man's junk is another's treasure.. and I make good use of others junk I use it in my training...

Good morning to all my horse enthusiasts here's something that I wrote that I thought would interest people who are thin...

Good morning to all my horse enthusiasts here's something that I wrote that I thought would interest people who are thinking about getting mustangs think about this before you get one..

Taken from another page but I love it.

Recently I feel I have seen so many Mustangs for sale which is why I’m making this post. I’m a huge Mustang advocate but I feel there is a right way and a wrong way to purchase a mustang.

Some of these Mustangs that are for sale are pretty well broke or have a decent start on them and I wonder why they are for sale. And as I read the ad, they all have several things in common......”not for timid rider”, “hard to catch if not worked with consistently”, “needs experienced rider”, “too much horse for current owner”.....then the ad usually goes on to explain why the horse needs such an such but let’s get down to the nitty gritty, most Mustangs are not for beginner riders nor will they ever be. It’s takes a very special Mustang to be for the average amateur rider.

Now what I’m talking about is not because I want to discourage people from getting a mustang but to make sure they are making well informed decisions because if you don’t, it’s the horse who pays. Mustangs get passed around until either someone buys them that can train them or they just sit in a field without care because they can’t be caught or handled for basic care. Either way, for an animal that thrives on relationships and normalcy getting passed around makes them more fractious and generally gives them more baggage.

So if you feel a Mustang is for you, please make sure you have a professional help you find the right horse. You may have to pay more than you wanted for the right mustang but it will be worth it.
And a word of caution, if you want to gentle a wild one, please realize that it may not be the right fit for you after you are done. and it may take a lot longer for some then others to trust you.. Like for instance my latest mustang ( Oracles of Lunar Eclipse ) she has taken me a year to earn her trust and get a halter on her and be able to touch and pet her. So It may have quirks you can’t handle and if that’s the case what happens to that horse then? That is why I recommend finding a mustang that’s already gentled and started by a trainer. The trainer will know what the horse is like and can help you make the right decision on if the horse is for you.

Most mustang trainers like myself, genuinely want it to be the right fit and forever home so they are going to be honest with you. Just remember to be honest about yourself and your needs.

Let’s try to keep Mustangs in forever homes where they can thrive and be awesome partners.

I just need to make things clear. I have lost horses I tryed to save but that's not going to stop me from trying and doi...

I just need to make things clear. I have lost horses I tryed to save but that's not going to stop me from trying and doing everything I can to help them..

Each one hurts just as much as the first one. I take them in.. The unwanted or garbage horses because no one else gives them the time. I have put so much money into rescuses i could have probably paid off property by now. Everyone horses that cames to me in less then desirable conditions. Be it sick, malnourished, diseased ridden, old or just plain negelected. I take in someone elses "problems" because if i can give them just a little glimmer of love and a decent quality of life. While they are here, I will do whatever it takes to make that happen. I get them better and sometimes getting them "better" just isn't enough. I have faced the reality that no matter how hard I try when its their time its their time. I have realized this now. But in their time they were loved, well fed and cared for, the way they should have been before they got here. They felt the tears of a child, the warm embrace of a hug, the soft touch, and the whisper "you were a good boy/girl" before they left this world. For that I do not feel sorry for. What I do feel sorry for is that they couldn't get to me sooner or they weren't with me longer.

So if you are one of the ones on the rumor mill unless you are helping me save them, paying their obnoxious amount of bills, or rescuing yourself please keep your mouths shut. Theres more to rescue then just getting them out of a bad situation. Its hours, days, years of hard work and hard losses.
I love each and everyone of them more than anyone could know. I will always be a soft place for any equine needing a place to call home and love .. so if you know of one needing some help please don't turn your back on it .. please give the owner my name so they can get help..


Good morning I want to tell you all that i had a big break through last night with Oracle's Lunar Eclipse 7-year-old palomino mare or should I say wild mustang. I have had her for almost 1 year it will be one year on December 17th. I have been doing everything I can do, and everything I can think of thinking outside the box to get this mare to trust me. So I could tame her and friend her well last night I had a big breakthrough She let me touch her with my hands. I restarted working her 4 days ago. 4 days ago I built a squeeze shoot to put her in because I have never been able to really touch her. so I put her in this pen and she will not let you go near her face at all she will however let you touch her hips her butt her legs are belly with a flag on a stick and this fake hand I made anyways last 4 days I've been putting her in the squeeze chute and touching her and I got where she finally let me go up her hip up her butt up her back touch her neck and finally touch her face yesterday for the first time and loved on her and got all the junk out of her eyes. I've been doing that for like 3 days in a row with her you 2 times a day. Then last night I got her in there I was touching her loving on her she actually turned her head into me and let me rub on her forehead she lowered her face and her head down and just let me love all over her so I decided I was going to open the pen up and get inside with her so I open the pen up and of course you know I have two other mustangs that I've already tamed and became their friend so I opened up the pen and went to get inside there the other two mustangs decided they were coming in too so we all did this buddy scratch thing I think I was out there from like 12:00 a.m. till like 2:00 or 3:00 am this morning loving on them horses doing the Buddy scratch and just Petting and loving 9n them. so today I'm going to go out and take a video so hopefully I can show you guys the success I've had so I hope you all tune in and pay attention to my videos because this year I am going to get Oracle where I can lead her around on the lead rope and I'm going to try to get a saddle on her and get her training going this year. So please tune in to watch the training


Here's another video from today with Oracle


I started working with Oracle again I have had her just about 1 year as of December 16th will be our one year anniversary I didn't get very far with her last year so I just started working with her again and now she's coming around she's starting to trust me I got a halter on her yesterday and she's starting to let me pet her today here's the videos

So I was asked what I charge so here's the break down.. Horse Training is a Dangerous job.. The person that's Training y...

So I was asked what I charge so here's the break down.. Horse Training is a Dangerous job.. The person that's Training your horse is taking all the risk of injury and perhaps Damage caused by your horse because face it horses have a mind of there own. They are fight or flight animals that weigh any where from 200 pounds as a yearling up to over 2000 pounds as an adult horse. So let's get real here you can not make a horse do anything it dose not want to do. And with that being said if the horse dose not # 1 Respect you and your space . You are in a hole world of trouble.. #2 you have to earn Trust. If you do not have Trust then there is no way that horse is going to go along with anything your asking it to do.. I have seen so many people get hurt because they push there horse to hard to fast and expect everything to be just fine. Well I'm Telling you that is not the best way to do things. granted there are times when you have to push but you need to be able to read your horses body language and know when to back off before you get yourself hurt or another person hurt. Training a horse takes years to accomplish. Depending on what leavel you want to take your horse to.. so just to get it started takes a minimum of 30 days to introduce the saddle and rider and get 10 good rides on it. Now that's with a horse that has had good handling rite from day 1. It has been haltered, it's leading well and can stand tied to be brushed and have it's feet picked up and cleaned has had a few trims. Then at age 2 you can start preparing your horse for the saddle and bridle and do ground driving,some people do all this before they are 2 and using a ba****ck pad and at age 2 start to add a little weight but it is best to wait until the horse is at least 3 before putting much weight on its back and to start riding that horse for more then 1 hour at a time, 3 days a week. Then at age 4 you can start putting Mile's on and chouse what discipline you are going to take your horse in. Ok now that I have explained all this here's what I charge for training horses, Mules, and Donkeys..

I charge different prices depending on what your needing .. If you bring your horse to my place.. I charge $600.00 per month you bring your own hay , grain and what ever you want your horse to eat. If I come to your place to train I charge by the session $60.00...A session could be as short as 1 hour or as long as 3 hrs depending on what I'm working on with your horse that day. Plus .50 cents a mile round trip, if your horse is the only 9ne I'm working with that day. If I have another horse after yours I only charge you one way to go to your place, farm or barn your boarding at. Also keep in mind that I try to set up a time to be at your place to start trading so please have your horse ready if it needs cought please have it cought and have halter and lead rope on when I show up to start working with it, unless that is the issue I'm working on with your horse. Because my time starts the second I step out of my truck and into the pen with your horse. It dose not start when I capture your horse. So please be mindful of my time as I will be of your time. And note that I have other horses that I work with each day not just yours and if im working with another horse and I run into a problem ( I will not quit in a bad place. I will stay to end on a good note) so I could be late for the session with your horse I will try to call or text you 1 time if u do not answer or have no way for me to leave you a message that is on you. Because I may have to reschedule for another day... I like to do a minimum of 3 sessions . That is to be paid at the beginning of the first session cash only no personal checks... if I am going to train at your place. Then I get the .50 cents per mile at the time of each session. I also like to come out before I start and do an Evaluation on the horse🐴🐎 and get an idea of exactly what your wanting and what your goals are for your horse. I charge a 1 time fee of $50.00 for this and no trip charge. I would be happy to schedule a appointment with you I have openings starting next week.

Now is the time to start thinking about getting your horse ready for the riding season schedule an appointment to gettin...

Now is the time to start thinking about getting your horse ready for the riding season schedule an appointment to getting your horse evaluated $50.00 for the evaluation weather you have a young foal that needs halter training or a wild horse that's never been touched. I do c**t starting , ground manners, saddle training, spring tune ups, Trailer training (loading and unloading safely exercising, round penning, Restart an older horse that has been sitting for a while, I offer other services as well .. Pony party's , Beginner riding lessons, Trick Training, and I Rescue so if you have a horse you can no longer keep please message me I can help find it a good loving home. Thanks for reading my post, I also except donation's for the horses.

Hello everyone I am accepting new clients for horse training  Now.. I am also open to rescuing any horses ,donkeys or Mu...

Hello everyone I am accepting new clients for horse training Now.. I am also open to rescuing any horses ,donkeys or Mules that need help .. I also can haul horses or any animal I have a 2 horse trailer at this time. I am looking for a stock trailer if anyone has one they want to sell cheap or donate to me it can need work I can get help to fix it up .. I am not perfect but i try to be a good friend and person and I try to do the rite thing . When i see an animal in need I do everything I can to help it and it's owner . I live to train horses . I want a partner in my horses not a slave . So that is my moto I guess if i have one lol so if any one needs help with an animal weather it is a horse , Donkey, Mule, cow, dog, goat, cat I will do my best to give my advice help re home or take it myself. I can give advice over the internet or phone.. I'm not all out for money I truly want to help animals.. They come first.... We capture horses put them in pens and we tell them when to eat and how much to eat .. we force them to do what we want and most people do not care about there feelings or what that animal wants .. I am different . I care about there feelings there thoughts and there wants. ( They want to be safe, have food , water, Shelter, and friends just like we do.. They bleed red blood the same as we do. ) I put that above what I want when I am training.. I give the horses the chance to say no I don't want you to touch me there today for example.. or if the horse is 100 present wild I give it the time it needs to learn that i'm not so bad i bring it food water and I give it shelter and I give it a voice and let it tell me when it is ready to trust me . I am a good horse woman and horse trainer .. so If anyone has a horse that is needing some training weather it's full training from a youngster or it's ready to start under saddle. I am taking on new clients . I prefer to train at my place where I have 24 hour Access to the horses i will be training , I like the owners to be a part of the trading process, ..but in some cases I will come to your place and train but i do have to charge a traveling fee ( I charge 10.00 per day if your local with in 10 miles from my place and if your farther awake or out of town I add .50 cents a mile round trip )just note at times i run late making it to the next horse. Because if I'm training a horse and we run into a problem in the session I do not stop I will stay until i am in a good place before i will leave.. an go on to my next client's horse.. some times 8 have to cancel and reschedule .. now with that being said I am willing to come train at anyone's place, they have to have a round pen for me to train in or panels to set up a round pen for training in.. halters lung line at there place and if you have other things like pool noodles, solid pallets , tarps ect and obstacles thats great that's less stuff i have to pack and bring with me..it takes time to load and unload everything .. so like I said it is way easier if you bring your horses to me.. I also do trailer loading , birthday party or get togethers where you need kids inter trained. I do beginner riding lessons . Please have cowboy boots and a riding helmet for lessons .. ok prices horses training 600.00 for 30 days at my place , you bring your own hay and what ever feed you want your horse to have . Horses need to be up to date on basic shots worming and hoof care .. only exception on the hoof care is if I am training them to pick up there feet for the ferrier.. . I do halter training as well and trick training. I start horses I do not train for showing . And im always looking for friends to go riding with because if I'm training a horse i do not like to go out alone to many things can happen . I also take horses in parades that's great training for them .. so if there's anything you need that's not listed please ask and as always I need donations for the horses I rescue to help feed and take care of them so any and all donations are welcome I do this all on my own with my own money so any help I can get I appreciate whether it's time coming over to help with the horses or it's material things thank you for your time for reading this and I look forward to working with all of you.


This is a broke trained 9 year old cutting horse . That has been bucking her riders off .. so I am going back to ground work and finding all the holes in her traing. Her previous trainer did not teach her how to handle her fears. So when something scares her she explodes and buckes her rider off.. this is why horses end up in feed lots and auctions. I'm the gal that fixes these horses when no one eles will give them a chance.. I reabilatate miss understand horses. I can fix most problems with in 30 days .. this horse will be used and riden in our September cowboy-Expo event.. so if you know anyone that has a horse, mule, or donkey that needs some help please give them my name and number. Terri Summers 775 666-7328.. I can train and fix almost any problems. I also do trick training.. I am affordable and willing to take payments.. I can go to the horse and train , I charge a trip fee on top of my traing fee.. or you can bring you're horse to my place I charge $600.00 traing fee for 30 days you supply you own feed..I video every training session I do and I encourage the owners to be involved with all the training I do with there horse/mule/Donkey. Here's a few videos from 3 of my session with the 8 year old mare cutting horse..


Here is my mustang maina tip challenge event videos ..AKA mustang make over .. I got a wild mustang yearling, I had 100 days to train her.. and We did a 3 day horse show in Nampa Idaho arrived on June 30th show started july 1st to July 3 rd 2022 and I am proud to say I took first place in my free style class in the senior division.. haha I didn't think i was that old yet .. I also took 1 over all and Reserve Grand champion Adult Rookie and brought home 2 first place ribbons, an in-graved wooden plack and a silver bullet Buckel. I knew down deep in my sole that I was good at trick training. Now I have the proof that others think the same thing...

Here's most of my pictures from the beginning when I picked up my filly for the Tip challenge in Boise Idaho up tell tod...

Here's most of my pictures from the beginning when I picked up my filly for the Tip challenge in Boise Idaho up tell today July 3rd 2022

3 days a go I rescued a Donkey her feet were badly neglected so I let her settle in for the night and first thing the ne...

3 days a go I rescued a Donkey her feet were badly neglected so I let her settle in for the night and first thing the next morning I built a set of stocks and lead the little girl up into it and strapped her down and took a grinding wheel and cut her hooves and trimed them. She was very upset and tried to bite and kick me several times during the prosses but I got her feet all trimmed up nicely.. here's some pictures .. I let her rest yesterday and today I'm going to go back out and try to catch her and just spend some time loving on her..


This is Oracle's lunar eclipse she came from the palomino Valley BLM she is a 7 year old wild Mustang .I started working with Oracle's lunar eclipse last night and here's some videos with me get my hands on her finally

Hello everyone I want to let you all know I am entered in a mustang challenge event it takes place in Nampa Idaho on Jul...

Hello everyone I want to let you all know I am entered in a mustang challenge event it takes place in Nampa Idaho on July 1th thru July 3rd. The mustang I picked up on March 18th she is a beautiful 1 year old filly. I have 100 days to train her. I am looking for sponsors to help me get to this event.. so if any one can help please get a hold of me throu messanger and we can set up a demastration of what we can do. She has been on rest for the last 3 weeks due to catching a cold from all the changes in out weather.. but I'm starting her traing back up this week if the wind corporates.. she is halter trained , picks up all 4 feet, loads in the horse trailer and dose many tricks. She was a challenge the first 2 weeks I had her she attacked me when I tried to put her halter on for the first time jumping on top of me bite me and kicked me. She did not want to be tamed at all but since then she has changed her way of thinking and has decided that domestic life is not so bad.. she gets all the food and treats she wants fresh clean drinking water, brushed and a lot of attention.. she is smart and starting to fill out nicely.. there's nothing she is afraid of. And has a best friend that is also a baby, that is calf that she runs and plays with.. she loves the big ball I have and loves to jump, run, and play. If anyone wants to sponsor me and her. Please let me know because I really could use some help with things like gas to get to and from Idaho... I am willing to ware logos or put your logo on the side of my horse trailer for advertising your business. Or what ever your thinking.. I would do a video of our proformance for you if your interested in seeing what this little girl can do and if you are wanting my traing experience I am looking for new clients.

I do Horse and mule training .. look me up .. Loving Touch Horse Training.. on Facebook I also give beginner riding less...

I do Horse and mule training .. look me up .. Loving Touch Horse Training.. on Facebook I also give beginner riding lessons.. and do birthday parties.. pony rides and harness and driving, and trick training

Good morning I have something I think needs to be said... for those of you that have horses that you pay people like me ...

Good morning I have something I think needs to be said... for those of you that have horses that you pay people like me to train for you.. Horses DO NOT GET TRAINED OVER NIGHT... it takes time and just because the horse did great on today dose not make them trained well behaved riding partners.. It takes a minimum of 100 rides for a horse to be comfortable and to become a trustworthy riding partner.. thats why you pay a trainer like myself to work out all the kinks .. I take the falls I hit the ground I get back up and I get back on.. so yes I charge a lot for what i do but trust me it's worth it when you get on your horse and can go out and ride a lone or with your friends and you don't get hurt... So with that being said .. Trust the person you are paying to train you horse/ Mule, when they tell you that your horse needs more wet saddle blankets before it is ready for you to go riding. Don't tell (me) the trainer how to do my job.. I know what I are doing that's why your paying me to do it other wise you would just go do it your self..


Hello everyone Terry here just letting everyone know that I am competing in a mustang tip challenge I pick up my mustang on the 18th of march .That's next weekend . I will be competing on July 1,2,3 rd. at the Idaho Horse Park in Nampa, Idaho I am also taking Reckless to do the open show.. wish me luck... I still have openings for for horse training if anyone needs any help with there horses. thanks please come cheer for me at the compaction thanks Terri


I went and worked with Florida today and was able to pick up both front feet today . Even had her owner picking up her front feet and we brushed her .. so soon I will start on her back feet.. the goal here is to get where we can pick out her feet and get them trimed with out having to have the vet come to trank her every time she needs to get her feet trimed ...


Fallon, NV



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