TRU dog, LLC

TRU dog, LLC Traveling Canine trainer, wrangler, and behavior specialist. Just like people, not all dogs learn the same way or have the same drive motivators. lol

Experienced dog owner and certified Canine Trainer with a "soft spot" for Behavior modification and rehabilitation in herding breeds. My love affair for the herding / working breeds, more specifically, Australian Shepherds, started with an adoption of a young adult female Aussie, (You can read about Sadie on my page) and how her drive gave me the courage to overcome great obstacles! You need to Wa

tch and Listen! I am a Strong advocate of Behavior Management, Positive Reinforcement techniques, Reconditioning methods, Proper Nutrition, and Enriching outlets to release energy = A Happy and Balanced Dog. Following in my fathers footsteps, as a canine handler and trainer, has been a dream of mine since early adolescents. My dad worked with German Shepherds in the Marine Corps, and didn't EXACTLY follow the training protocol that was expected back then, and I always thought he and his dogs could read each others thoughts and emotions, leading me to believe my dad was "magic"!

If anyone is looking for a safer option, THIS is a great option that works! 🐕❤️

If anyone is looking for a safer option, THIS is a great option that works! 🐕❤️


Rabies & Distemper Vaccination Clinic for Dogs & Cats
Houlton Humane Society
July 16, 2022 10am-1pm
263 Callaghan Rd, Houlton
See image for prices.



🐕 REMINDER 🐕Aussies Edge Farm Epic's Greek God and Goddess Puppy Prep and Homeschool starts tonight at 6:30pm!Not too la...

Aussies Edge Farm
Epic's Greek God and Goddess
Puppy Prep and Homeschool starts
tonight at 6:30pm!

Not too late to reserve your spot!

Kelly - TRU dog
[email protected]

Sadies Place has asked + I’m super excited to announce that I will be hosting a day of dog minis @ Sadie’s Place on July 24! I have linked the time spots below. They are $100 each & a $20 down deposit when booking your time is required. These will be 20 minutes with 15 edited images! Thank you☺️


Sadie's Place - Sniffspot
is a private, by appointment only, dog park located at
69 Frost Street, Lincoln!

To Book your Sniffspot at SADIE's PLACE go to:

Make your RESERVATIONS today!

Make your RESERVATIONS today!

Sadie's Place, Lincoln, Maine - OPENING JUNE 13TH This spot was bought and dedicated to our Australian Shepherd, Sadie, to give high drive, high energy, high loving dogs and their humans a safe...

☆☆ REMEMBER TO SIGN UP ☆☆Register for your Aussies Edge Puppy Prep and Homeschool Class!Class for Bailey and Sammys litt...


Register for your Aussies Edge Puppy Prep and Homeschool Class!

Class for Bailey and Sammys litter starts 6/16th @ 6:30pm.
Class for Epic and Timbers litter starts 6/27th @ 6:30pm.

All live and interactive sessions will be recorded for schedule conflicts .
Text or Email to reserve your spot.
Use code: "AUSSIESEDGE" for your discounted rate of $75
[email protected]



Today, ninety-six percent of pet owners around the globe are feeding dry commercial pet foods. Of those 96%, there is a large majority that believes dried commercial pet food is really all their pet needs and would never stop to consider the benefits of adding fresh “human food”.

(“Human food” definition in this article: clean sources of meat-based proteins and some organic plant matter, not beer and nachos 😉)

There are many reasons why some of these pet parents feel this way, however the most popular reason today seems to be the 50-year-old rumor that is in existence and still spreading.

You know the one: “Giving your animal table scraps is bad!”

How or when did this terrible rumor start?

Well, if we go back in time, research shows that shortly after the invention of processed pet foods, manufacturers were having a hard time convincing pet parents to make the switch from foods in their refrigerators to their commercial pet foods.

So in 1964, the pet food industry, along with the PFI, joined together with a whole bunch of marketing dollars and launched one of the most influential campaigns the pet world had ever seen: the “Ban All Table Scraps from your Pets’ Bowls” campaign!

Through thousands of newspapers, magazines, and news stations, the public was warned about the dangers of table food scraps or “human food” and the importance of feeding “processed” commercial pet food. From there, the giant smear campaign took off!

Not only did this clever campaign work, but it was so impactful that now, 50 years later, folks are still in fear of offering anything that is not labeled pet food.


Not according to ongoing research it isn’t, especially with today’s cancer rates being 1 in 2 dogs!

In a 2005 study conducted at Purdue University on Scottish Terriers, the results showed that adding fresh vegetables to dry commercial kibble actually prevented and/or slowed down the development of transitional cell carcinoma (aka bladder cancer)!

In the study, dogs ate a diet of dry commercial pet food, while some got an assortment of vegetables added to the mix at least 3 times per week.

When the study was concluded, according to the researchers, they weren’t really shocked by the results.

Here’s what they found:

Dogs that ate any green leafy vegetables, like broccoli, had reduced the risk of developing bladder cancer by 90% and the dogs that consumed any yellow – orange vegetables like carrots reduced the risk by 70%!

Seriously! A lousy carrot helped smash the potential of cancer.

( ) (Raghavan, Knapp, Bonney, 2005)

Yes, of course cats are obligate carnivores (must have meat to survive) and our dogs are facultative carnivores (carnivores with omnivorous potential if circumstances demand) so offering clean meat-based protein sources should always be top priority and essential.

However, because today’s world is ever-so changing due to factory farmed livestock being fed genetically modified grains and our planet being contaminated with every type of pesticide, fungicide and larvicide, the importance of fresh, organic plant matter to help detox the body couldn’t be more crucial.

So if the “cancer reducing benefit” doesn’t tickle your fancy enough to convince you to add any “human fresh foods” to your pet’s bowl, then maybe think of it this way:

How bad would it suck if someone forced you to eat dry processed foods your whole lIfe?!

By: Rodney Habib

"An educated, informed and well-researched community of pet owners can only put more pressure on the pet food industry to be better! When pet owners know better, they will only do better!"



In a study published in the Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine, scientists found feeding pomegranate extract to a dog had incredible health benefits!

According to researchers:

The good stuff found in the pomegranate (punicalagins) possessed significant strong antioxidant and cytoprotective activities in canine endothelial cells.

In fact, pomegranates contain the most potent antioxidant activity of almost all known fruits! Providing beneficial effects on cardiovascular, nervous and skeletal health, this would be a great add to any dog bowl.

According to Dr. Karen Becker, feed 1 tablespoon per 20lbs of body weight.

- Rodney Habib



In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers looked for the presence of toxic chemicals in umbilical cord blood of newborn babies. Of the more than 400 chemicals tested for, 287 were detected in umbilical cord blood. Of these, 180 cause cancer in humans or animals, 217 are toxic to the brain or nervous system, and 208 cause birth defects or abnormal development in animals. - Environmental Working Group

Hello toxic planet and the skyrocketing occurrences of cancer in our pets (and in ourselves)!

Let me introduce you to one of my top 5 most important herbs that needs to be in your pet’s life, if it isn’t already!

Milk thistle!

This herb has been used for over 2,000 years to help fix a zillion different problems!

Recently, scientists from the Radiological Physics and Advisory Division in India found in their study on milk thistle that silibinin, found in milk thistle, programmed cell death in breast cancer.

“Early laboratory studies show that silymarin and other active substances in milk thistle may have anticancer effects. These substances appear to stop cancer cells from dividing and reproducing, shorten their lifespan, and reduce blood supply to tumors.” - University of Maryland Medical Center

Personally though, I love it for its allergy-fighting properties! If your poor pet is constantly itching and scratching, milk thistle can help!

According to The Truth Cause of Allergies – It’s In The Liver:

“The liver has to process toxins and when it can’t do its job it stores them. If it stores them it also produces additional histamines to protect itself. If an allergen is present the brain sends a message: ‘Send out a few histamines! I think there’s an invader!!’ and the liver proceeds it releases too many, and you have the allergic response. Cleanse the liver and maybe [...] you’ll become allergy/asthma free.”


Use Âź of a teaspoon per 20lbs of body weight.

Detoxification is such an important process, not only for us humans, but also for our pets. We can be feeding our furry loved ones the best foods in the world but pores clogged with toxins will not allow essential nutrients to pass, causing a weakened immune system. A pet’s weakened immune system equals a multitude of problems! Milk thistle is the boss of detoxifiers!

Rodney Habib Pet Health Media

What's Coming Up?  Glad you asked...☆ Puppy and Me ☆ Shed Hunting Workshop☆ Loose Leash ☆ Recall / Off Leash Wrangling ☆...

What's Coming Up? Glad you asked...

☆ Puppy and Me
☆ Shed Hunting Workshop
☆ Loose Leash
☆ Recall / Off Leash Wrangling
☆ Disk Dog - getting started
☆ Tricky Tricks
☆ Shaping
☆ Feeding RAW - why the stress
☆ Doggie Bo***ir and Dudoir Photoshoot

More details and dates coming soon!

**Meru below to capture a sleepy audience**

**CLASS IS FULL**Keep your eyes open for additional classesLAST CALL FOR ADRENALIN JUNKIES AND AGILITY LOVERS!!!  I've h...

Keep your eyes open for additional classes


I've had an amazing response to the Beginner Agility Course starting 6/1st. I am preparing and setting up, and will be closing registration Monday, 5/23rd.


I love to see dogs being absolutely carefree when off leash! The communication, play, and curiosity brings me joy 😊 (and a break)

However.... lol, if I need to recall, leash up, or redirect, I need to be more AMAZING than their freedom they highly value. Honestly, it would probably take a pint of Ben and Jerry's🍦for me to give up something I love!

My favorite way of teaching a "quick snap" recall is to incorporate fun games, especially on trail hikes! Nature gives us a million opportunities to do just that. I keep doing it, because it works!!!


Version 3 of our herbal dosage chart with some new additions! :)

Rodney Habib



“If you follow any good gardener around in their garden and they spot one of their trees looking unhealthy, with discoloured leaves and fruits that are not quite thriving, they don’t spend too much time looking at those leaves and the fruit. Rather they head straight down to the bottom of the tree and they analyze the roots and the soil around it: the foundation of the entire organism. Our gut is like the roots of those trees and plants. It is where we extract and absorb all the nutrients our body needs to nourish itself.” - Dr Alejundro Junger

As the saying goes: As above, so below.

Health and disease start from your pet’s gut, the largest immune organ in their bodies. Packed with bacteria, (so much bacteria that they outnumber the cells in their bodies) they keep the immune system functioning properly. However, when the bad bacteria start to outweigh the good, serious disease related problems could start to develop!

Why does your pet need good bacteria?

Good bacteria provide beneficial effects to humans and their pets:

• Preventing onset of allergies.
• Prevents the overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut.
• Improving gastrointestinal health.
• Reducing risk of reoccurring urinary tract infections.

Recent research also indicates that probiotics may offer anti-cancer benefits. A few strains of bacteria used to formulate probiotics appear to stimulate anti-cancer chemical production while theL. casei strain may lower the risk of bladder cancer in dog breeds prone to this kind of cancer.

Kefir can work miracles for yours and your pet’s body. So go ahead and start incorporating it into your diets to reap the benefits that this wonderful grain has to offer.

Recommended minimum daily intake of kefir:

Small size dogs or cats - 1 tsp. - 1 tbsp.
Medium size dogs - 1 - 2 tbsp.
Large dogs - 2 - 3 tbsp.

For more info:

Rodney Habib - Pet Nutrition Blogger

Love this stuff!!!

Love this stuff!!!


Ranked in the top 10 most important food medicines, coconut oil is a must add to your pet’s diet! With over 13 Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties, the one we love the most is its yeast-bustin’ abilities!

Almost 50% of the medium-chain triglycerides found in coconut oil are lauric acids, saturated fatty acids that our bodies convert into monolaurin. Monolaurin is one of the natural world's greatest antivirals, antibacterials and antifungals. Because they come from natural sources, these fatty acids pose no danger to your pets' bodies, unlike man-made antibiotics and anti-virals.

Coconut has been used for wound healing for thousands of years. A new study published in the International Journal of Dermatology confirms that coconut oil aides in treating atopic dermatitis, a chronic skin condition characterized by scaly and itchy rashes.

Furthermore, one study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that “coconut oil is extremely effective at killing Candida albicans, a common yeast infection in humans.” Another study published in the Journal of Bacteriology discovered that “coconut oil can help kill Staphylococcus aureus, which is a common cause of skin conditions and respiratory diseases.”

The recommended dosage for feeding is:

• ½ teaspoon for every 10lbs of body weight daily

Or, if using topically, just rub the oil on your hands and apply to your pet’s coat (remember not to over do it!).

For 34 more reasons why you should add this wonderful oil, follow this link:

Rodney Habib - Pet Nutrition Blogger

AGILITY ANYONE?Whether for building your dog's confidence or interested in competition, Agility Training is a great way ...


Whether for building your dog's confidence or interested in competition, Agility Training is a great way to strengthen your bond with your dog!

This 6-week beginner course will focus on:
• Cooperative obstacle training
• Safe handling techniques
• Proper warm up and cool down exercises for injury prevention
• Fun Flatwork, Focus, Foundation Fundamental games! (5 F’s)

* Class starts June 1st *
** No class on 6/8th **
*** 5 Working Slots per class ***
**** I will consider opening a 2nd class if there is a want ****
***** Direct Message me to reserve your spot *****

Intro to Agility 6 weeks @ $150.00

I believe in this so much! "Teaching" not "Training", better choices by removing the opportunity for "Rehearsed" unwante...

I believe in this so much!
"Teaching" not "Training", better choices by removing the opportunity for "Rehearsed" unwanted behaviors only makes sense.

➡️If they can't get to the cat food, they can't eat it.
➡️If you are holding on to their long line, they can't chase the squirrel.
➡️If the only things on the floor are their toys, they can't chew your shoes.

It's much easier to avoid something becoming a problem than it is to undo a bad habit. Take the "wrong" decision out of the equation and teach them what you want them to do instead.

Nervous about switching or trying new foods for your dog?  Try adding 1 item per week. 🐕

Nervous about switching or trying new foods for your dog? Try adding 1 item per week. 🐕

Today.... I am thankful for being missed! 🤪

Today.... I am thankful for being missed! 🤪

What you choose to put in your puppy’s bowl 🥄at an early stage can literally affect their whole life, not to mention your bank account💳 with future vet bills if you decide to add nothing to their food!

“I only feed my dog their kibble, I NEVER give them anything else!” was once a proud pet owner statement, but microbiome🦠 research proves this is a BIG mistake. Study after study shows the more diverse your pet’s bowl is, the healthier their gut and immune system can become.

A brand new study from Finnish Veterinary Scientists shows healthy human food🍗🥦 leftovers offered to puppies significantly reduces allergy symptoms and skin problems later in life. This long-term, protective effect increased the more often real foods were added, so the more exposure puppies had to a variety of healthy leftovers, the more protection there was from developing skin issues down the road.

“…even if the dog🐶 eats 80% of its food as dry, adding a minimum of 20% of the food as raw significantly decreased the risk of AASS [allergic skin disease] later in life.” – Dr. Anna Hielm-Björkman

According to the scientists, feeding a variety raw or minimally processed, real food early in life may lead to microbial exposure that enhances the immune system early on, reducing allergic responses later in life. Some of the foods owners fed in this study were fish🐟 and meats🥩, vegetables🍆 and roots🍠, culinary mushrooms🍄, buttermilk and other fermented milk products🥛 and berries🫐.

In our new book, The Forever Dog, we list over 40 of our favorite fresh foods from the fridge to add to your dog’s bowl, backed by the most surprising new science as to why they’re so amazing at building health and longevity! We also show you how to add them in a way that keeps your pup’s nutrition in balance. You’ll want to check out the section called: “Core Longevity Toppers: Superfoods You Can Share with Your Dog on a Daily Basis.” We’ve also included handy charts on which foods are best at building your dog’s microbiome, powerful polyphenol-rich foods, as well as a long list of fast-n-fresh training treats, if you’re on the go. The Forever Dog book is now available for pre-order worldwide!


Lincoln, ME





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