Dex is a truly nice dog who will make someone an outstanding partner in service or facility work. I've had the opportunity to evaluate and work with this sweet boy, and he is something special. See original post/comments on original post for more details, application, and videos.
It’s time for the goodest boy to find his placement 🥹 Dex was pulled from Shelter From The Storm in March and has been in training ever since. He’s brilliant, sweet and will make someone a great working dog. He’s a true rags to riches story! We are currently taking applications for him as a started service dog or facility therapy dog. Once his final placement is decided, he begins his task training.
Interested? Read more on his application here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2c9K55yBOrJB3gmYVCFBalrN5_xYfW0yiLn-3GStUcu3Fig/viewform?usp=sf_link
Videos of his current training level in the comments.