Today one our visitors named Pluto was attacked while visiting Official Silverdale Dog Park Group Silverdale Dog Park.
Sadly, we keep having incidents like this and that tells management staff that pet parents are neglecting their responsibilities while visiting the dog park!
Please everyone do your part and pay attention to your dog while you’re at the dog park! If we all do our part to pay attention to our dogs and their surroundings while at the dog park we wouldn’t have these kind of issues escalating!
Pluto is a sweetheart and her dad is a volunteer at our dog park. Not only does he serve our country, but on his down time he serves our community with his efforts to care for our beloved dog park! Our community loves and needs this dog park but we will lose it if we can’t do better!
Please everyone take a moment to consider what if this was my baby?
It can happen to any one of us at anytime. We avoid it happening by simply being aware and paying attention to our dogs!
Thank you everyone for your time and support with this mission.
**Attention** for those of you who were a witness or have any information about this dog fight please contact us privately!