Louise got early Christmas presents from her finder Rachel! She won’t have to worry about her meat tube supply for a while and she has a new catnip toy to wear out!
We visited Louise for Thanksgiving!
I think she remembered me. I held her and she let out low growls. I had a meat tube left in my purse so she of course got a treat.
One of her dog aunties managed to eat all of her food…twice. She came in and out of her room to join the party several times. She really is social, just on her own terms.
She goes on walks every week. She gets playtime everyday. She’s still very chatty and bossy. She yells for her grandparents to let her out of her corner of the house while her mom’s sleeping. They like when she growls while eating and call them “nom noms”.
The Try Kittens Made You Look
Here’s what evenings look like here featuring Kit Kat the resident cat. She’s been loving having access to kitten food.
*scooping not shown for obvious reasons
Keith is really out here thinking he’s the main character. Yes, he needs to be in your face at bedtime.
Keith had two costumes yesterday: unicorn and ghost
I’ve been forgetting to give an update Keith and Becky. I was diagnosed with pneumonia Monday and have been busy resting and managing the rescue’s social media (a new task I’ve taken on). While I was at urgent care, I got the news that their PCR results came back negative! They were SNAP tested again yesterday and FINALLY were negative. We had all the kittens out as soon as they got home. They were so happy to see each other but Eugene plays a little rough for their liking so there was some hissing.
Keith and Becky had blood samples sent off for IFA tests a few weeks ago. The results of those were negative for the both of them.
Today, we went to the vet to have their blood drawn for PCR tests. It’s more accurate but also more expensive. If that comes back negative, they’ll be SNAP tested again. If the SNAP test is positive, the plan is to retest them at 2 years as they’ll still be considered positive.
They’re so tired of being poked and prodded. They’re becoming distrustful of anyone when they leave the house because they know what’s going to happen. I’m remaining optimistic as Eugene is negative but we can’t chance it.
Keith is out of the baby canines club
Fun fact: Keith has a gray spot on his chest
Another fun fact: Keith likes to jump on backs
Keith Hugs
Keith gives hugs
Synchronized Brothers
Just some synchronized brothers
Prepping Louise’s Wet Food
This is how Louise likes her wet food.
Straight from the can.
Not smushed.
No added water.
She licks up all the gravy immediately and then nibbles on rest throughout the day.
Louise’s Close Up
Louise was such a friend yesterday. I held her and she purred! She normally growls under her breath. She was all over me: jumping on the couch, walking on me, reaching her paw out for more pets, head butts, and kneading. She really could be a great companion for someone out there. Just no cats or children please! Anyone have room for a petite and sassy bowling ball?
The Boys vs. Becky
It’s #throuplethursday!
We did it! The Throuple finally had a negative fecal. All the baths and cleaning paid off. They’re getting spayed and neutered Monday. The last hurdle we have to jump over is having Becky and Keith test negative for FELV.