Hadada ibis reunited in the wild.
We knew about this family of hadedas,and had to reunite a juvenile.
When he reach the group, he starts flapping his wings, to show his excitement to see his parents.
In return they accept him, and he even gets foods from one of them.
Happy ending.
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My 7 toddlers
Dikkop cost around R2000 each to raise, when we calculated it years ago.
We weekly buy R1500 insects, other protein and vegs.
This means this group will roughly cost me R14 000 minimum.
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Eddie joined the 6 young ones yesterday. He already gained 20grams overnite. Surburbia has no more insects left for these birfs to survive and raise healthy chicks. When last have you seen a cricket in your garden?
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0785177061 text only nr
31 October Release Day
13 birds
13 birds went free today
All packed up; pre release footage
Cape Sparrow
Laughing Doves
Fiscal Flycatcher
Fiscal Shrike
Cape Robin-chat
Asjas still getting used to his new big family. Xander was the dikkie that was dropped off after hours at a vets door on a Fridayevening after they were closed. The person did knock, nobody opened and left baby in box at the door. Xander then made it to us Sunday late morning, extremely anorexic. We could see from the photos he was depleted, and urge to bring him as soon as possible. He was probably 1/3 of what he was suppose to be. He flourished and became the strongest dikkie in the group. Also doing his own thing. The group has 2 leaders, Sakkie and Xander. U-landi is Sakkies shadow, and the 2 smaller ones each paired with a leader. Vickie chose team Sakkie and Yvie chose team Xander. Yvie is also the screamer in the group. Handling happens daily, for moving into different entertainment areas, and Yvie will scream everytime!
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Dikkop specialized
Garden birds in crisis
CapeNature permitted facility
When you clean the water and take a new video, the action is gone😅
30 October
6 Dikkies
Doing fabulous!
Lots of protein, veg, extras
Night shift😅
Sakkie 250g
U-landi 208g
Vickie 190g
Xander 250g
Yvie 250g
Asjas 79g
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A memorry from 1 year ago:
January we decided the Dikkop theme will be the Alphabet, so we named them starting at A, and now we are left with W,X, Y,Z for the rest of the year😅
S U V is the 3 little ones
Hierdie 2 kwikstertjies was 'n volle 7dae in die publiek se sorg. Hulle het die beste gedoen met hul beperkte kennis en die hulp van google, en met geen identifikasie. Hulle lyk sleg, dis die buite deel wat ons sien, maar ook kry hul organe swaar, en hulle probeer braaf wees.
Deel wyd en suid:
Moenie self wilde voëls probeer groot maak nie.
Dis nie regverdig teenoor die voëls nie.
Natuurbewaring smeek jou om eerder die voëltjie te vat na n gelisensieerde fasiliteit.
Ons kom graag na jou skool om te kom praat oor voëltjies.
Nooi ons! 0785177061
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Injured Wild birds needs medical attention from a CapeNature permitted rehabilitation facility in Western Cape -
𝘿𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙙𝙮. 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙘𝙩 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙨𝙚 𝙛𝙖𝙘𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙨
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UrbanWild Tableview
0790504796 text only
Water birds and garden birds
The Owl Orphanage. Velddrif
Blue crane and birds of prey
SANCCOB saves seabirds
Sea and shore birds
0786383731 after hours
Wildlife unit
All birds
0833261604 after hours
25 October was our busiest day in history. Our phones are not taking phone calls, you will speed up the process to get help for birdie by sending a whatsapp message.
Type a SHORT description,
Add a clear photo with some scale eg. Matchbox, weddingring, standard size items that will help us determine size.
Asking for birdie UPDATES clog up the system, and birds that needs help, dont get attention.
Our screen show messages at a time, Do not ask for updates! It is a privilage if we get time to even sit and eat a meal ourselves.
If we did miss your message,
Type a ?
So we can respond
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