Birthday Boy - Solo (a day late)
We have joyful news to share! Our Lukuru family tree has a new sprig.
Yesterday evening (17 December 2014), Lukuru Lema gave us a VERY, VERY special baby boy. He is red & white and is totally amazing.
Because we were all being abundantly cautious with a singleton pregnancy (revealed via X-Ray), we opted for the safest route and he came to us through caesarean section. He startled the attending medical team by crawling out of the small surgical opening under his own steam! He weighed in at 10+ ounces. He is vigorous, vocal, and very strong.
We are all feeling extremely blessed by this special baby boy. We know that great things lay ahead for him.
With his birth, we also reflect back on his magnificent poppa, BISS Ch FoPaw’s Royal Flush (Ace to most of us but Noodle to his immediate family), who unexpectedly and tragically was taken too young in 2010, due to a severe infection resulting from a freak raccoon attack.
Please join with our very happy Lukuru family in welcoming our newest addition.