Ten Mile Holistic Veterinary Care

Ten Mile Holistic Veterinary Care Holistic veterinary medicine including acupuncture, chiropractic, herbs, homeopathy, rehabilitation, craniosacral and nutrition. It can be very effective.

Currently mobile only and by appointment only. Our Services:

Acupuncture originated to the best of our knowledge in Asia thousands of years ago and is now accepted worldwide. According to Chinese medicine the body has energy or Qi (chee) which flows through meridians in the body. Imbalances in the flow result in pain and illness. Acupuncture normalizes the flow of qi, allowing the bod

y to return to a state of health. It has been observed that there are nerve endings at the acupuncture points. From a Western medicine point of view, acupuncture causes effects in the body via the nervous system. Whatever your view, acupuncture can help a wide variety of health issues. Dr. Sarah primarily uses a Traditional Chinese Medicine approach rather than a Western medical approach to acupuncture. CHIROPRACTIC
Chiropractic treats subluxations, which in chiropractic terms are restrictions of joint motion. These restrictions cause decreased use of muscles, resulting in poorer circulation. This causes local fluid or edema to build up in tissues resulting in a decreased removal of cellular waste. These accumulating waste products irritate nerve cells causing in miscommunication within the nervous system. Pain comes from soreness in the muscles, irritated nerves and local edema. The body can become sore elsewhere as it compensates for the area of subluxation. By restoring normal joint movement, the body can improve the health of the nervous system and normal gait function for the animal. Chiropractic helps after falls; hit by car accidents; injuries to muscles, joints and bones - essentially almost any trauma to the body. It will help in many cases of lameness and can assist in back problems. Because it can help the nervous system chiropractic can also aid in conditions other than musculoskeletal problems. CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY
Craniosacral therapy (CST) is an offshoot of osteopathic medicine. Osteopathy, similar to chiropractic, uses manipulation of joints and tissues to achieve a return to balanced health of the nervous system and the entire body - not just muscles and joints. Craniosacral work developed to adjust the nervous system and spine but can also affect the entire body as well. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) surrounds the brain and spinal cord within a tough membrane. There is a rhythmic flow of the CSF from the brain down the spinal cord and back up. This is reflected in minute movements of the bones of the skull and the sacrum in the pelvic area. (The sacrum is the fused vertebrae that form a joint with the pelvis.) If this movement is disturbed then various health problems can occur including headaches, poor body movement, jaw problems, headshakers in horses and other behavior issues. CST is very subtle, gentle energy work which restores the normal movement of the cranial wave of the CSF. Animals that have suffered trauma, including birth trauma, can benefit from CST. Animals with temporomandibular (TMJ) issues and horses with dental problems also benefit. Breathing issues related to the larynx may also be helped. Results after treatment are immediately visible with a change in the animal's posture and way of moving. Changes continue to occur over a period of several days. HERBS AND SUPPLEMENTS
Herbal medicine has a long tradition in many cultures around the world. A large number of modern drugs were developed from plants. Unlike a drug which is a purified single substance, using herbs allows for the interaction of all the active components within a plant. This can produce a gentler more harmonious effect. Herbs are still a foreign substance to the body. They are not inherently safer because they are more natural. It is important to know there can be herb/drug interactions for your pet. Please let us know all the drugs, supplements and herbs your pet is taking so we may prevent any harmful side effects. We use herbs that have been safely grown and safely processed - avoiding harmful pesticides and chemicals used to process some herbs in some manufacturing plants. We carry botanical liquids and herbs from American/European traditions as well as Chinese herbal mixtures. We also carry a limited number of supplements and can advise on the use of other supplements you may already be using. HOMEOPATHY
Homeopathic ideas have been discussed in many cultures including European, American, Indian, Persian and Chinese. Homeopathy is based on the idea that "like cures like." From a Western medical view it seems controversial as it appears that nothing is being given other than a sugar pill or solution. The pill or solution carries the diluted potentised homeopathic remedy. There are no chemically detectable compounds in the remedy other then the lactose of the pill or the base liquids in the solution. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755 - 1843) is credited with developing a holistic therapy system based on "like cures like". The more diluted a remedy is the more potent it is - seeming to fly in the face of traditional Western medicine. From a quantum physics level the remedy carries the energy frequency of the original substance. A remedy is chosen by matching the symptoms of the patient to the symptoms of the remedy if it was given normal medical doses and not the minute multiply diluted homeopathic form. For example if a dog has a rash which is red, itchy and has blisters containing fluid then the remedy that comes to mind is Rhus (poison ivy). Even if the rash is not from poison ivy itself (which dogs do not react to) the rash will heal when given the remedy. Homeopathy has been used effectively in this format for over 200 years. When it is used in classical form one remedy at a time is used. It may take weeks to months to slowly return the body to optimal health. There are other ways to use homeopathic remedies however. Dr. Are Thoresen, a Norwegian veterinarian and licensed human acupuncturist and homeopathic physician, combines an herb, acupuncture and a homeopathic remedy in some of his treatments. At times his methods are used in our treatments. HOMOTOXICOLOGY
In homotoxicology a formula of multiple homeopathic remedies is used rather than a single remedy at a time. Dr. Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg founded homotoxicology. It is based on the idea that illnesses result from the body's inability to remove toxins effectively. Toxins come from many sources - bacteria, viruses, yeast, chemicals such as pesticides or volatile compounds from new carpeting or paint, even dietary substances such as msg or gluten. Metabolic deficiencies can create toxins such as free radicals or ammonia from liver disease. Homotoxicology is based on a pattern of disease which starts with problems within the body's excretion system (sweat, digestion, urine, respiration, lymph). If the drainage pathways are not open then it is harder for the body to eliminate toxins which it encounters or produces. Over time the body is damaged by the toxins and diseases progress eventually leading to degenerative issues and further on possibly to cancer. As in homeopathy multiple formulas may be used; sometimes together and sometimes in series. Usually a formula(s) to open drainage pathways and or formulas to improve gut health are used first. These are followed by formulas to remove toxins. Lastly formulas to remind the tissues to return to optimal function are used - rather like giving the tissues a blueprint. These may be used in conjunction with botanical formulas as well. EQUINE DENTISTRY
Dr. Sarah still performs routine dentistry on horses. Often if there are some moderate to severe corrections needed in the dental arcade then craniosacral work is very beneficial for the horse. We use sedation and a full mouth speculum to evaluate the dental arcades to the back of the mouth. Only hand floats are used. Power floats must be used judiciously as they can heat up a tooth and damage the pulp or nerve. In the hands of a trained professional they are a good tool. However we have found nearly all the horses we see can be treated with hand floats. In the rare case where we do not have the needed tools horses can be referred. Dr. Cory Reng is a travelling Nebraska veterinarian now specializing in equine dentistry. She has made trips to Casper in the past. Craniosacral therapy is capable of correcting poor chewing motion in horses. Poor chewing is what causes many of the equine dental problems. Once a horse chews correctly he wears his teeth down evenly. Our equine patients receiving yearly craniosacral treatments have needed less dental work each successive year. NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING
Dr. Sarah does not carry any brands of pet foods. She will help clients choose an appropriate food for their pet based on their animals individual needs. Just because a diet is listed as holistic or organic does not necessarily make it the best food for your pet. What works for one animal may not be the best for the next animal. If you have nutrition questions we can help you sort through all of the multitude of diets available or give you resources to cook for your pet if you choose.


As summers continue to get warmer year-over-year, new research from the Penn Vet Working Dog Center (PVWDC) reveals the best way to prevent dogs from overheating.

After comparing various cooling methods, researchers found when a dog voluntarily submerged their head in clean, room-temperature water to retrieve a treat or toy, they not only cooled off faster, but also avoided dangerous post-exercise temperature spikes.

“During heat stress, blood flow to the head, nose, tongue, and ears is increased,” said Cynthia M. Otto, VMD, PhD, lead author of the study and executive director of the PVWDC. “Cooling the tissues of the head allows for rapid cooling of the whole body with limited amounts of water.”

🔗 Learn how to correctly teach your dog this game-changing method by visiting: https://bit.ly/4eajKuy

Parasites can cause a range of health issues in pets. Keep them protected with routine veterinary care and prevention me...

Parasites can cause a range of health issues in pets. Keep them protected with routine veterinary care and prevention measures. There are holistic options for parasite control.

Senior pets need extra care and attention. Regular vet visits can help manage age-related issues. Chiropractic , acupunc...

Senior pets need extra care and attention. Regular vet visits can help manage age-related issues. Chiropractic , acupuncture, and rehab exercises are great ways to help senior dogs feel and move better.


Below, two lumbars and sacrums with two very different stories.

The top specimen is from a standardbred/welsh 13.2hh pony who despite having ECVM made it to 25 with only a few minor symptoms. She was put down for laminitis and arthritis getting the better of her. Her lumbar and sacrum are the normal anatomy for this area.

The bottom specimen a 8 year old Thoroughbred returned from racing in Hong Kong shows a very common finding among my dissections. 60 percent based on my dissections across breeds but very common in mainly thoroughbreds. This guy has what’s known as a sacralised lumbar aswell as sacral spurs. The sacralised lumbar I believe is a heritable trait although there has been no study it is in humans inherited through genetics from parentage. In my opinion the sacral bone spurs are from early hard work when the growth plates between S1 and S2 are still open. The sacroiliac joint is made of two parts and if under load grows osseous bone to strengthen the area and can fuse to the pelvis.

In my opinion sacralised lumbar is a major limiting factor for performance as it appears to compromise the function and mobility in the hind end. These horses are very stiff and do not track up. They can’t take weight through the hind end joints well and have trouble engaging the pelvis. Secondary compensation is often an issue that goes along with this.

I’ve heard multiple stories now that insurance companies are not paying out on horses diagnosed with ECVM because it’s not an injury but an inherited trait that can limit performance. So it leads me to ponder….. how many heritable traits will strike off insurance claims in the future with further study into skeletal variations/malformations. Will this push breeders to think more seriously about skeletal conformation? Will insurance companies lead the charge on researching the limitations of these skeletal variations? Will genetic testing for heritable skeletal traits be the future of breeding horses for optimal soundness? Don’t forget that the gene for kissing spines has recently been found, will horses with kissing spines now be considered a heritable trait and not an injury.

Will this void insurance claims?

I have put together a video on my patreon page to explain further.


Early detection of health issues can save lives. Regular check-ups are crucial for catching problems before they become ...

Early detection of health issues can save lives. Regular check-ups are crucial for catching problems before they become serious.

Exercise is essential for your pet's physical and mental health. Regular playtime keeps them happy and healthy!

Exercise is essential for your pet's physical and mental health. Regular playtime keeps them happy and healthy!

This is a common problem with wounds on lower legs.

This is a common problem with wounds on lower legs.


Wounds on the bodies and limbs of our equine companions are exceptionally common. In particular, wounds on lower limbs can be especially difficult to manage. There is little extra skin in these areas, making large wounds difficult to close via suturing.

In addition, wounds on the lower legs are contaminated easily with bacteria since they are closer to the ground, bedding, and manure. The constant movement of an animal's legs as it walks, turns, and bears weight can also greatly impair healing, especially if the wound occurs over a joint. All of these factors can often halt the normal progression of the healing process and result in a chronic wound.

Persistent inflammation, along with infection, is a major contributor to exuberant granulation tissue (or proud flesh) formation in a wound. Proud flesh is not conducive to wound healing as it prevents the wound from epithelializing (the process of the skin cells covering the wound), and sometimes it can become so large that it appears to be a tumor, usually obliterating the original wound.

Prevention of proud flesh involves good wound management. For the best healing, wounds should be identified and treated quickly and properly — especially on the lower limbs. Consult your veterinarian about any wounds that appear deep or extensive, that lie over important structures (like joints and tendons), or that already show signs of proud flesh development. Rather than waste time and money in trials and errors that could delay your equid's healing, ask your veterinarian what products are best for your situation.

Did you know that annual vet visits can help detect health issues early? Schedule your pet's check-up today!

Did you know that annual vet visits can help detect health issues early? Schedule your pet's check-up today!

Socialization is important for pets’ mental health. Introduce them to new people, places, and other pets gradually.

Socialization is important for pets’ mental health. Introduce them to new people, places, and other pets gradually.

Pets can escape even from the most secure homes. Microchipping provides an extra layer of security.

Pets can escape even from the most secure homes. Microchipping provides an extra layer of security.

Regular wellness exams are key to a long, healthy life for your pets. Ensure they're up to date with their vet visits!  ...

Regular wellness exams are key to a long, healthy life for your pets. Ensure they're up to date with their vet visits!

Microchipping is a quick and painless procedure that provides a lifetime of security for your pet. Ask your vet about mi...

Microchipping is a quick and painless procedure that provides a lifetime of security for your pet. Ask your vet about microchipping.

Keep your pets' teeth clean and healthy with regular dental care. Ask your vet about the best dental care routine.

Keep your pets' teeth clean and healthy with regular dental care. Ask your vet about the best dental care routine.

The best way to avoid fleas in Wyoming is to not take your dog around wild animal dens. Avoid prairie dog towns. If ther...

The best way to avoid fleas in Wyoming is to not take your dog around wild animal dens. Avoid prairie dog towns. If there has been possible exposure use a flea comb. Before an outing there are essential oils that repel insects. Flea and tick preventive medications have many side effects. I recommend only using them if you must travel and stay in areas where fleas are a big problem.

Hyperthyroidism is a common condition in older cats, caused by an overactive thyroid gland. Symptoms include weight loss...

Hyperthyroidism is a common condition in older cats, caused by an overactive thyroid gland. Symptoms include weight loss, increased appetite, and restlessness. Holistic treatment options are available to manage the condition.

A microchip gives your pet the best chance of being reunited with you if they go missing. Have your pet microchipped tod...

A microchip gives your pet the best chance of being reunited with you if they go missing. Have your pet microchipped today!


This demonstrates how riding a horse too young can irreversibly damage joints and bones.


This shows one very good reason not to start riding horses too young, and when you do ride them don't over work them.

Help reduce pet overpopulation by spaying or neutering your pets. It’s a responsible and loving choice!

Help reduce pet overpopulation by spaying or neutering your pets. It’s a responsible and loving choice!

Keep your pets free from intestinal parasites with regular vet check-ups and preventative treatments. There are often ho...

Keep your pets free from intestinal parasites with regular vet check-ups and preventative treatments. There are often holistic alternatives.

Spaying or neutering your pet can reduce aggressive behaviors and prevent certain health issues. Schedule a consultation...

Spaying or neutering your pet can reduce aggressive behaviors and prevent certain health issues. Schedule a consultation today!

Pet insurance can help cover unexpected veterinary costs. Consider a plan that fits your budget and provides peace of mi...

Pet insurance can help cover unexpected veterinary costs. Consider a plan that fits your budget and provides peace of mind.

What you use to clean your house affects your pets.

What you use to clean your house affects your pets.

Does cleaning your floor make your air dirty? A recent study says yes.😱

Mopping your floor with industrial-grade limonene-containing cleaners🪣 (keep reading for our pet-safe DIY cleaner recipe) for just a few minutes can create as much air pollution as traffic 🚙 on a busy city street, according to researchers. The aerosols generated by mopping with commercial-grade lemon🍋- or pine🌲-scented chemicals can be inhaled deep into the lungs 🫁 (by both humans and animals) causing irritation and leading to health issues 😷 like allergies, and more.

So can you have a clean floor AND clean air? Also yes! 🥳 Researchers found that use of an air purifier during mopping can significantly reduce the concentration 📉 of harmful aerosols.

In our new book The Forever Dog LIFE we show you how to make a budget-friendly DIY air purifier to minimize indoor air pollution. 🙌

🧽 You can also try one of our pet-safe floor cleaners:
1 gallon water
2 cups white vinegar
1-2 cups rubbing alcohol
1 tsp natural dish soap
Optional: 5-10 drops of bergamot, lemon, or other pet safe essential oil

🪣 Combine in a bucket to mop. Can be added to a spray bottle for spot cleaning. No need to rinse.

You'll find many more non-toxic cleaning tips and recipes in our book, so we’ve got you covered no matter how you tackle cleaning your home! Available now at your favorite bookstore.

Did you know that pets age faster than humans? Regular vet visits can help catch potential health issues early.

Did you know that pets age faster than humans? Regular vet visits can help catch potential health issues early.

Look at the bony changes in this horse's spine. Read about Peggy.

Look at the bony changes in this horse's spine. Read about Peggy.


601 W Collins
Casper, WY


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