I'm gonna find some sunshine dammit- Jack the Cat
Bogie just can't catch a break
Bogie is letting me know it's time to take our pills. We take our medicine together every morning. Today he was giving sweet face rubs instead of bites and paw swipes.
I'm going to put Jack on payroll
Calidacat starring Priscilla Ann
Prissy loves the little mice.
It's all about the slide! Kittens love the new floors. Prissy is hiding under the buffet waiting to sneak attack Jack.
The cat tree is crammed into our master bedroom while the new floors are being installed. This is the morning entertainment starring Jack and Priscilla.
This is how I start my day. Gotta feed the cats. Jack is feeling much better and is back to being a pesky brother.
Second half of the video. And yes, I had to clean carpet this morning. And yes, my cats have their own dining room. Complete with cat art. I'm a sick person, with cat fever.
Sunday sunbathing with Jack.
Saturday update. Still doing pretty good. Fever is gone. Normal temperature today. Yay!
Today's update for Jack the cat. He is doing much much better today so we are hopeful that he may go into remission. We treated him to a steroid shot yesterday as well as some vitamins and additional antibiotics. Within just a couple of hours he really perked up, and started acting like himself again. Fingers crossed maybe we have turned the corner.
Jack loves a fuzzy blanket