If you are a Craigslist user who lives in St. Louis, MO, Kansas City, MO or Wichita, KS and seeking apartments and housing, you might as well find cheap and great deal advertisements under different names. For example,
*Cheap apartment for immediate move in,
*No credit needed,
*Pet friendly and family housing etc. and hundreds more ads. You might be surprise that these ads require you to call a
phone number that will provide you what are you looking for for a fee of $90, they are called RentSource but they will never tell you their true name because it's reputation connected to scam and fake and I was one of their victim. Their agents will pretend as if they are apartments' owner and they will try to drag you to their store or most likely ask you to pay the fee over the phone so you dont see their identity . If you pay the fee of $90, the agent will give you a piece of paper that has apartments name and their phone number also they will be all marked as available, if you try to call these apartments they will tell you they are not available, the search itself is scam and is copying the one in Craigslist. There is no refund for you, they will tell you they would, but in fact I made 6 attempt for refund, they are so cheap that they would ask you to send them a mail with return address, once you do, they will send you back a note to teach you how to use their fake search engine. I have demanded my refund after the second day, it didnt take much to figure out it was scam, they never return my phone call, email or mail me back my money. Please look at News4Investation about this scam company below:
For more details, find the pictures I made to see RentSource Ads, they are a lot and updated everyday on Craigslist, this is where they mostly get their victims. My advice for you, if you are trying to get an apartments, you must physically go to see these apartments and meet with their lease office, do not let a scam, fake store on the street, steal your money and do nothing for you. Please share this page or create your own page to help protect people. I made a warning posts on Craigslist in the three cities that Rentsource had activities on, I received 12 messages on the first 5 days by people who were scammed and upset. DO NOT be a victim.