Huk might not be new...but we thought this was a good way to introduce Danielle our new receptionist 😊💕
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First Foreign Body of the year. Another late night surgery here at Gold Ribbon. Poor Axel got into a few different things yarn, and part of a bottle to name a few.
A few symptoms of a possible foreign body include vomiting up food and/or water, lethargy, and straining to defecate.
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We had quite the foreign body case yesterday where a 6 month old golden puppy ate a sock and when we went in to retrieve the sock it was surrounded in round worms! We always recommend routine deworming especially in puppies.
Good morning all! More construction is under way here as we move our front desk over and get a new exam room built! So pardon our mess while we get these projects done and make our clinic better 💕 thank for your patience 🙏
As some of you may have noticed we've been doing a lot of construction 🚧 here at Gold Ribbon and this is the first of many projects done. Our new improved surgery room. Once we get all of our renovations done we look forward to inviting you all to a grand opening/open house event. 💕