Every time I spend time with a client who is most of the way through my reactivity rehabilitation bootcamp program, I feel so incredibly fulfilled and validated in choosing this business over corporate life. Every time I have a "last one to one" in the program, every time that I get to love on your dogs who I couldn't so much as look at before, every time I get a photo update - that is priceless to me.
Listening to people who have grown so much within themselves and who have nurtured the relationship they have with their dogs is the best positive reinforcement I can get. Having past clients reach out and say hi and hearing updates is heart warming. I might not advertise much (yet), and there's always things to improve in my process and methods, but just knowing that I've made a difference that's so long-lasting, and so huge - wow.
Autumn makes me nostalgic and is a good time to look back at the year, with gratitude and warmth. To all the folks who have reached out, who have graduated, who have been open and leaned into the challenges of working with your reactive dogs, who have trusted the process, who never gave up - thank you. You make my heart glow.
So if you're ever shy about reaching out to past coaches, trainers, therapists, etc., who have made a huge difference for you - don't let it hold you back from saying a kind word in a text, saying hi, and sending update photos. Trust me, the coaches that genuinely make a difference and care - we remember you fondly, and we love those texts and photos.
Photo: throwback to Azula when she was a baby, around this time of year two years ago.