After my doing nothing and being boring video, here we are doing something! Fun with a cone! There are so many things to do with one or two cones. What ideas can you think of?
HOW BORING! Sometimes doing nothing is brilliant though. Louie is high energy and high anxiety so chilling out and not worrying what is going on around him is super important. Take a cuppa and sit somewhere and enjoy! Slow your life down and slow theirs in the process.
We went to Maldon on Sunday and met lots of people, dogs and wildlife!
Louie behaved so well with everyone and everything, so all the training has definitely been paying off. Here is a snippet with the birds!
Here is a short clip with some helpful hints and tips for bonfire night and the nights leading up to it.
Not one but two Working Cocker Spaniels!
One is mine, one is boarding but so much fun to do some training together which is great for both of them.
Taking recall outside now! check out our other videos on recall too if you haven't seen them.
When your children try and 'help' with filming and distractions! Jeez, oh well, they think they nailed it 😆.
This is a new word for Louie to see if he learns it from scratch so it means more for the videos too. Reach out if you'd like help training tour dog.
Children and dogs! Social media is often filled with scary videos of dogs having to put up with children treating them like toys until they bite! The dog then gets rehomed or worse. Allowing your children to help with training and suitable interactions can make for long lasting, amazing relationships. As parents we must guide them too. I love teaching children as much as their parents!
Check out my previous video if you haven't but I had questions as to how to start the recall process so it doesn't fail in the first place! Great question so this is how I start it. Make it super simple with no distractions and build up as your dog understands.
3 reasons why your recall might be failing. In the next video I'll show how I've built up Louie's recall and how to start with a puppy.
For help on recall or other training please get in touch with Sarah on 07921 561606. Very limited one to one help now until the end of the year.
14 month old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with a love of birds and anything that might run or fly!
we worked on loads of engagement with the handler and high reward for returning or ignoring the trigger. As always, consistency is key and hardwork but I know they'll do well and I'll do an update after our next session!