Hello fellow Michigan animal lovers! Tomorrow, June 18th could be a very important day for Michigan animals. House Bills 5587-5593 will possibly be voted on. These bills will increase the punishment for felony animal cruelty. Contact your Michigan State Representative and ask them to vote IN FAVOR of these bills.
Current sentencing guidelines for felony animal cruelty are ineffective because animals are considered property!
This is what has occurred in Wayne County, and probably every county in Michigan: Data pulled from the 3rd Judicial Courts Website: Out of 50 cases over the last 6 years
22 of those cases were disposed with 2-3 years probation! and 3 of those were reduced to misdemeanors (don't forget these were felony cases!)
12 cases still have OPEN WARRENTS, with some dating back to 2018
5 cases were dismissed
2 are pending
1 was reassigned.
ONLY 8 cases received ANY JAIL TIME!
one received 30 days
1 received 50 days
one received 5 months
2 received 6 months, 1 with a suspended sentence
1 received 9 months
1 received 12 months and he had a previous weapons conviction!
Please help seek justice for Michigan animal victims!
Thank you!